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I want to be skinny,

But all I do is eat,

I used to only eat once a day,

I used to only eat dinner.

But the days that I had off for spring break,

And that I've been in ISS/SDC

I have ate lunch,

Everyday I tell myself,

"Don't eat, Don't eat."

But I don't listen and I eat.

I've stared eating twice a day,

But not for long.

I will start eating only once a day.

It's a power that I feel,

When my stomach has nothing in it,

And it's so loud I can hear it,

I can hear it calling for food,

But it's not going to get it.

Bye Bye food, I don't need you,

You're just something that's there,

Trying to make me hate myself.

That's the only reason mirrors are here,

It's here to make you hate yourself.

Unless you're actually pretty,

And can take pictures,

And not feel ugly,

And feel completely beautiful.

I wish I was that kind of girl,

That loved myself,

That was skinny,

That everybody loved,

That was pretty, 

And beautiful.

If only.

But for now that's just a dream,

I have lots of dreams, wishes, goals.

I wish each was real, 

And each wasn't just a fantasy.

And there I go again,

Wishing for things,

I never get what I wish for,

So might as well stop,

But I still wish,

Because deep down,

I feel like,




I might get what I want,

But the phrase goes,

"You don't alyways get what you want."

But the truth is,

You never get what you want.

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