Author's Note

368 17 15

It's finished!

The book is finished.

Please don't hate me for killing him, I planned his death since the beginning. He was going to die since the beginning.

This book is to spread awareness on suicide, and no matter how much you want someone to stay with you, there are so many people who lose a loved one to it.

Not everyone gets a happy ending, and this was written for that. This was written for everyone to know that not everybody gets a happy ending.

A lot of people don't.

It's the sad truth.

I'm sad to end this book, especially since I fell deep in love with my characters. My heart is filled with sadness and happiness all at once.

I'm happy I got to share this story with you all. This story hit so close to home, and I'm happy that I got to share it.

I'm sad it ended, but it's okay, because books always have to have an end. They can't go on forever.

I want to thank each and every one of you that have read this, and I hope you enjoyed it:)

And if any of you have gone through any thoughts of suicide or have lost someone to it, I'm sending you all my love. I hope you heal from everything that has ever hurt you, and I want you all to be happy.

I'm here for anyone who needs anyone. You can send me a dm if you ever need to talk to someone. My dms are ALWAYS open. I'm here for you all❤️

I hope you all have an amazing day!

Lots of love,


Ps. I cried a lot writing this🥺

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