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"Don't look." Astra laughed and turned her painting the other way so he couldn't see it. "You get to see it when I'm done, I'm not done yet."

"We'll, you're just slow then, because I'm done." Orson set his paintbrush down and folded his arms.

They had been out there painting for a few hours already, and Astra was almost finished. She just had to do the finishing touches on the mountains.

"Don't worry, I'm almost done." Astra dipped her paintbrush in the brown paint and started finishing the mountains.

When she was done, she smiled and put her paintbrush down. "I'm done."

"Finally, you're like as slow as a sloth." Orson rolled his eyes and Astra shook her head, smiling, as he chuckled. "Slower than a sloth actually."

"Alright, let's show each other on the count of three. One..."

"Two..." Orson said.


They both turned their easels at the same time, and Astra couldn't stop the gasp that escaped as she saw his painting.

He couldn't paint was a lie. He definitely could. It was so realistic, she felt embarrassed showing him hers. Hers was nowhere near as perfect as his. She knew her gut feeling was right, it always was. She knew that was a hidden talent of his.

His looked like something they'd put in a museum.

"It's perfect." Astra whispered as she took a step closer to it.

"Yours is good too." Orson said.

"Yeah, mine is good. Yours is perfect." Astra said.

"Yeah, mines perfect like me." Orson teased her.

Before Astra had any thought to it, she grabbed one of the paint containers and dumped it on his head, immediately laughing as he gasped in shock.

"What the hell?" He said in shock as blue paint dripped from his hair and slid down his face.

"Blue suits you." Astra laughed.

Before she could react, he grabbed the orange paint and dumped it on her, laughing, when she gasped as well.

"And orange suits you." He said smugly.

"You know what I think would suit you better than blue?" Astra asked as she reached for the yellow and purple colors.


"Mixed colors!" she threw the paints at him and they splashed his face, and she started laughing harder as he reached his hands up to wipe paint out of his eyes.

"Oh, you're going to regret that."

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