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"You got this girl!" Amelia cheered Astra on as she climbed into her kart again.

Orson was talking to Amelia's sister as she leaned down from the side of the tracks and said something to him. She nodded her head and smiled as he said something back to her, and then she backed away as he turned to his wheel, grabbing it.

"You can beat that boys ass." A man from her team said and Astra smiled as she looked up at her team members.

"Blue rules!" She raised her fist up, and each team member took turns to give her a fist bump. She lifted her fist up to her instructor when he was done helping her, and he smiled and immediately gave her a fist bump.

"Smart of you to use the unfinished tracks as a shortcut, but don't use it again. Neither of you will use it. We let it pass using it against that psycho you went against because he cheated when he slammed into your kart and made you spin out."

"Alright." Astra said and he smiled.

"Racers ready!" Her instructor stepped off the tracks.

"On the count of three! One..."

Astra looked over at Orson, but he didn't look at her. It caught her off guard, she had been expecting him to look over at her as well, but he didn't, and her smile dropped.


He was looking at the tracks in front of him, but he didn't look happy or excited. He looked terrified.


Astra looked at the tracks in front of her, but she didn't see anything. What was he looking at? What did he see?


Astra slammed her foot on the gas and her kart sped off. She drove through the tracks, half expecting him to pass her at some point, or to hear his laughter as he chased after her, but she never heard him.

He didn't pass her at all.

Was he letting her win on purpose? How dare he do that.

As she made her first turn around the tracks, she suddenly heard a loud crash just before a scream, and her heart dropped as she slammed her foot on the brakes and stopped her kart.

Oh no.

She struggled getting her seatbelt off, and she cried out in frustration as it wouldn't come off. She took her helmet off and threw it on the ground and then pulled harder to unbuckle herself, but for some reason, her seatbelt wasn't unbuckling.

She couldn't see anything behind her. She saw the two instructors shout orders for the racers to stay put as they pulled some sort of walkie-talkies out and started talking into them. They jumped on the tracks and started running to where she heard the crash.

What did Orson do?

Astra was crying as she pulled really heard on her seatbelt, but no matter how hard she pulled it, she couldn't get it off.

A few people ran into the room and ran onto the tracks. Most of them ran to where the instructors did, but a young woman ran to where Astra was stuck and crying.

"It's okay, it's going to be okay." She said softly to her as she climbed onto the kart and helped her unbuckle it.

"What happened?" Astra asked as tears streamed down her face.

When the woman finally managed to get the seatbelt off, she helped Astra to her feet. She picked up the helmet she had thrown on the ground and then put a hand to Astra's back.

"Come on, let's get you and the others out of here. Do you have someone you can call? Can your mother pick you up?" The woman started leading Astra back to everyone else who were being pushed out of the room by some security guards.

"I drove myself here." Astra said.

The woman probably thought she was a teenager. Most people assumed she was because she looked a lot younger than she was. And she was pretty short.

"Okay, well, go home. It'll be okay. He'll be okay, I know today has been-"

"What happened? He's my friend, I'm not going home without him. Please tell me what happened." Astra shoved the woman away from her as tears continued to slide down her face.

"Did he come here with you?"

"Yes!" Astra exclaimed.

The woman looked over towards the two men behind the front counter, where they paid and got their gear from. She grabbed Astra's hand and led her over to them.

"Keep this young woman with you. I need to help get everyone else out." The men nodded and the woman gently pushed Astra towards them, and they let her behind the counter.


The woman didn't listen to her, she left to help everyone else out.

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