8 days until suicide

180 12 1

"Painting? That's what we're doing today? Isn't that...childish?"

"First off, painting is not just for kids. People of any age can do it. Second, it helps you relax and it's very comforting. Once you start, you get so lost in it that you don't even notice the time going by. And third, I have a feeling you can paint." Astra held the paints and easels up.

"I can't paint." Orson said.

"I don't believe you. I have a feeling painting is a hidden talent of yours, and I want to test it out to see if I'm right. Come on." She shut the car door and started walking down the meadow of flowers.

Nobody else was there. It was just her and Orson.

Astra had found this meadow a few months ago when she wanted to get away. She found it by accident, and it was hidden deep enough in the forest that nobody else knew where it was.

Or nobody else was ever there whenever she was.

She stopped at the perfect spot and set up everything to start. The mountains were right in front of them, in the distance, and with the flowers in the meadows and the trees in the forest, the scenery was perfect.

"We're going to paint this scenery." Astra said with a smile once Orson made it to where she was. "This is just to help relax ourselves and just enjoy the peaceful sounds of nature."

She handed him a few paintbrushes and his paint, and he grabbed them.

"Let's paint." She said and her smile grew.

"I told you, I don't know how to paint." Orson said as he put the paints down.

"Just try it." Astra said. "You might be amazing at it."

"Out of everything we could've done, you chose painting?" He asked.

"Painting is calming, and you don't have to use a lot of energy to do it. It's something anyone of any age can do, even babies and elders. Your leg can easily do this. A lot of other things to do around here involve your legs, and you struggle just standing."

"Touché." Orson said.

"Come on, let's start."

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