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6 hours.

Astra had been in the hospital for 6 hours, waiting. Waiting for someone to tell her that he was okay. Waiting for someone to tell her she could go see him.

But nobody came.

Carly had tried to call her a few more times, but she didn't pick up. She never picked up. She didn't want to talk to her, she didn't want to talk to anyone.

Other peoples names were being called, and they got to go see their loved ones. Astra's name never got called, and as she watched the people go one by one, she started to wonder if her name would ever get called.

Astra stood up and walked to the woman behind the front desk. "Is he okay?"

"No word about your friend sweetheart, but I'm sure he's okay." The woman gave her a small smile. "Why don't you go home and get some rest, you've been here for almost 7 hours. We'll call you as soon as we hear from-"

"No, I'm staying." Astra turned around to walk back to her seat. How dare she tell her to go home, she would never do that. She would never leave Orson there alone. He needed her. She needed to see him.

"Who are you waiting for?" A little boy asked her when she sat back down. She looked over at him as he sat a few seats away, next to a beautiful woman.

He looked about 8 or 9.

"My friend."

"I'm waiting for my big brother. Mommy and I came here when she said he got into a car crash." The little boy smiled up at Astra. "He's okay. Your friend is okay too."

"I hope so." Astra said quietly.

"What's his name?"

"His name is Orson." Astra smiled sadly.

"My brothers name is Teddy. I call him Teddy Bear." The young boy giggled as he said his brothers name. "He says he doesn't like it when I call him that, but I know he does. He just pretends."

"I call my friend Bear Cub." Astra said, her smile growing a little, as she thought of the fist she met him.

"That's cool! I guess they're both bears." The boy laughed, and his mother turned to look at him.

"Carlos, are you pestering that poor young woman?" The woman looked up at Astra. "I'm so sorry, he's always so talkative to people."

"It's okay, I don't mind." Astra shrugged. "It's nice having someone to talk to here."

"If you don't mind me asking, how long have you been waiting here? My son and I have been waiting here for 3 hours now and you've been here before us. I always feel bad for those poor people who wait all day or night, breaks my heart."

"Almost 7 hours."

"7 hours?" Carlos gasped. "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay." Astra said.

"Well, I'm sure whatever you're here for will be ready for you soon." Carlos' mom gave her a warm smile before she turned back to the magazine she was reading.

She didn't seem too worried about her son. He was probably okay, or she was much better at hiding how scared she really was, unlike Astra.

Astra was terrified. She didn't know what was going on behind the double doors, for all she knew, he could be dead. He could be crying and asking for her, and the doctors could be telling him he'll see her when they saved him.

She was going to see him. She knew she was.

He wasn't dead. He couldn't be.

"Astra Gazer?"

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