12 days until suicide

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Astra picked the phone up when Orson called the next night, but neither of them said anything. Not a single word.

Astra was laying on her bed and staring at the ceiling as she pressed her phone to her ear, waiting, wanting Orson to say something. Anything. But just like her, he didn't say anything.

Being on the phone with him was still a source of comfort for her, even if they didn't talk. Just hearing him breathing, and hearing him move whenever he did, it comforted her.

He was still there. He was still alive and breathing.

Only for 12 more days.

Astra shook her head as the last thought entered her mind.

He had 12 days left. Almost 2 weeks left to live. She still didn't know why he was going to do it, he still hadn't told her. At that point, she didn't know if he'd even tell her. He was right.

It wasn't that easy. That's why Harley never told her. It's not easy.

Orson wasn't Harley. Harley was her sister, and she never told her because she was her sister. Harley admitted to her a few days before she killed herself that she never told her anything and she always talked to her friends because she couldn't talk to her sister.

It was too hard to talk to her sister. The one she had grown up with. The one she'd been with her whole life. She couldn't talk to her, it was too hard.

Harley had always been so happy and cheerful throughout their childhood. She didn't want Astra to see the side of her that wasn't, especially since they grew up with the happy sides of each other

It was too hard to show her the dark side of her.

And she killed herself because it was too hard.

"Star." Orson finally spoke up, and Astra's heart melted in comfort at the sound of his voice.

"Bear Cub." She whispered.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"I'm sorry too."

And both of them went quiet once again, not saying anything else. But Astra didn't mind, because he didn't hang up.

He stayed on the phone all night, even when they both fell asleep.

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