15 days until suicide

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"Heyyy, be ready for my loud and annoying self to pester you today." Astra stepped into Orson's room with a big smile on her face.

He sat up in the bed when she walked in.

"Hey." Was all he said.

Astra sat on the edge of the bed and folded her arms.

"What's up? And don't you dare lie." She said and gave him a look.

"Nothing, I'm fine."

"You're lying."

"I'm not lying."

"Yes you are, you're always lying. You said I can help you right? Then why don't you? I can't help you if you don't even tell me what's wrong. You don't tell me anything about how you're feeling." Astra leaned forward to try and make him look at her, but he looked away.

She sat back up and looked around the room. She saw an empty water bottle on the chair next to the bed and she stood to her feet and snatched it with a smile.

"Come on, follow me." She said as she walked to the bathroom. She plugged the sink up and started filling it with water.

"What are you doing?" She heard Orson ask from the other room, but she ignored him.

She was going to show him.

When the sink was filled, she turned the water off and turned to tell Orson to watch, but when she turned, he wasn't there. She peeked her head out of the bathroom to see him still in the bed.

She forgot he couldn't walk.

"Oh, sorry." She said. "I'll help you."

She grabbed the crutches on the other side of the bed and held them out for him, but he just eyed them for a second, before he raised an eyebrow up at her.

"I haven't used those yet." He said.

"Well, you can always start right now." She shrugged.

"That's easier said than done. Besides, the doctors are supposed to help me use them." He folded his arms.

"Come on Bear Cub, it isn't hard to use crutches. I haven't even used any before and I know exactly how to use them." She put the crutches under her arms and started walking with them.

Orson watched her with an amused smile. She must've looked dumb using crutches when there was nothing wrong with her. She felt stupid.

"See, it's not that hard." But she slipped on her pants leg and fell over onto the floor, and immediately, Orson started laughing as she sat up with a startle, eyes wide.

"Oops." She laughed and held the crutches in her hands as she turned to look at him.

"You can't even use them and you're perfectly fine." Orson laughed at her.

"Well, then you show me how to use them." Astra said as she stood up. She walked over to him and held them out as she raised a brow.

"It's going to hurt me. Your legs are perfect."

"My legs are perfect?" Astra teased him with a smile.

"That's not what I meant."

"But you said it!" She said and put one of her legs on the bed. "I have sexy legs." She ran a hand over her leg and tried to make a sexy face, but she failed, and Orson started laughed.

"Whatever." Orson said and looked away from her, but she laughed and climbed on the bed with him.

She crawled over to him and leaned her face towards his, trying to look into his eyes, but he kept looking away. He was trying not to smile as she pressed her forehead to his and stared at him intensely, but his eyes were looking down.

"Look at me." Astra said as she, too, tried not to smile.

He finally looked up, and as soon as their eyes met, neither of them could hold their smile in, and they both smiled.

"My legs are sexy." Astra said seriously, and Orson started laughing again.

She laughed with him.

The love letter and the suicide  noteTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon