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"So we'll piss of the neighbors, in a place that feels the tears, a place to lose your fears!" Arlo was screaming the lyrics to the song that was playing as he danced around Astra, and she was laughing. "Yeah, reckless behavior. A place that is so pure, so dirty and raw. In the bed all day, bed all day - come on you know the next part!"

"Fucking in and fighting on!" Astra laughed as Arlo grabbed her hand and started spinning her around. "It's our paradise and it's our war zone."

He dipped her and she gasped in surprise, immediately laughing afterwards. He booped her nose with his finger and smiled. He pretended to let go of her, and then chuckled as she immediately gasped and clung to his shirt, scowling at him.

"You're so cute."

Arlo let go of her to run around the kitchen, screaming the lyrics and dancing around. Astra looked over at Orson who was standing next to her friend, Margo. She was smiling and helping him frost one of many cakes they had made.

He was smiling. He was actually smiling.

Astra smiled as she watched them, but then her smile disappeared as Margo wiped frosting on his nose, and then he laughed as he almost immediately grabbed a handful of frosting from the bowl. Margo gasped as he smeared all the frosting on her face, and she stepped back in shock as Orson continued to laugh.

Arlo was too oblivious to the frosting fight that just broke down, he was still screaming lyrics to songs, and dancing around, not paying attention.

Astra stood on the other side of the counter, watching as Orson and Margo kept throwing frosting at each other, laughing and having a good time.

Why did she suddenly feel sad? He was having fun. She should be happy.

Suddenly, somebody smeared frosting on her face from behind and Astra gasped, taking a step back as Arlo burst out laughing. She turned around to look at him. He was holding his stomach and leaning forward as he laughed.

She didn't notice he had stopped screaming lyrics. He must've noticed the frosting fight and Astra standing to the side not paying attention.

"Your face!"

"Oh, you asked for it." Astra grabbed the bowl of cracked eggs.

Arlo's eyes widened and he immediately stopped laughing, but he was too late to react, and Astra dumped the whole bowl of eggs on his head.

She started laughing as he made a noise of disgust. He touched the egg slime now covering his hair. "Babe! Ewww! I'm going to shower for weeks to get this off."

Astra just laughed.

Arlo suddenly smirked. "Food fight!"

He ran over to the music to turn the song that was playing off, and Astra watched as he switched it to a different song, and once the beginning started, she started laughing.

Pump it by Black Eyed Peas.

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