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"Look!" Astra stopped paddling to point at a bird walking in the river banks, her babies following behind her, trying not to fall behind.

"Damn, she has a lot of babies. I wonder how she doesn't lose any." Orson said.

"Really? That's the first thing you say? They're adorable!" Astra smiled as the mother bird chirped at her. "She likes me, see, I'm a Disney princess now."

"More like the evil queen or something."

"What did you say?" Astra looked behind her.

"Nothing." Orson said quickly, but he smiled when she scowled at him.

A bird suddenly flew past, screeching, and Astra screamed and ducked down as it flew right past her face. It came out of nowhere, she didn't expect it.

"You got scared by a bird? Really?" Orson laughed at her.

"You're a dick." She shook her head, but she was smiling a little.

"You're a pussy."

"Wooow, but you know what we have in common?" Astra's smile widened as she turned to look at the mother bird with her babies. "We can make babies, then you'll know exactly how she feels in having-"

"Oh my god go drown yourself." Orson shook his head in disgust and started paddling the kayak again, but Astra just laughed.

"You started it." She laughed and started paddling with him.

"I can't believe I'm going to be stuck with you for another hour and a half." Orson said in disbelief.

"I know you love it." Astra teased him.

"Whatever. Just keep paddling."

"Hey, there's a turtle." Astra looked down at the bottom of the kayak to see a turtle swim right under it. She smiled as she watched it swim under her and then towards Orson, who was looking down and watching it.

"It's so big." Orson said as he looked back up at her. "That was a huge one."

Astra smirked, and he seemed to know exactly what she was thinking, because he pointed a finger at her and gave her a look. "Don't even think about it."

"That's what she-"

"Shut up." Orson laughed.

Astra laughed and turned back to her paddle to start paddling again.

"Come on, we still have a little ways to go."

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