Ch. 52

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"Are we there yet?" Chloe sighed as she listened to the brunette girl ramble on and on about Prince Ali and some fancy rich party that probably didn't exist. This had been the longest road trip of her life, and they had only been on the bus for an hour. It was revolting. Chloe closed her eyes and wished she could just disappear.

"-and then Prince Ali told me he would be personally inviting me to his summer soiree next year!"

"I hope so." Came Nino's miserable reply. Chloe took a second to reign in her surprise before turning to face him.

"And why is it that you want that?"

"Well, it's just that, Lila's being kinda obnoxious, isn't she?" To be honest, Nino was kinda mad at Lilas. He knew Adrien, and he knew that Adreind would never have done what she claimed he did. And that put her in his bad books. And now that he had been with her, in confined spaces, for hours, he was tired. He wished he'd brought his headphones if only to block out the annoying brunette's voice.

"Oh, you're just now noticing?"

"Well, she wasn't always like this." Chloe let out a small huff and turned around. Of course, he hadn't changed. She was a fool for thinking anything could be different. She leaned her head against the window and watched the house pass by in a blur of colors, doing her best to ignore the painful cacophony of sounds from behind her.


Nothing was going to plan. First, her (albeit stupid) revenge plan had been completely forgotten. Then her Kitty had died. That was definitely not part of her plan. Then she fell (sort of) in love with a boy. Which she also hadn't meant to do. Hawkmoth was being strangely quiet. Which was nice, but still. Not to mention, like, half the Waynes knew she was Ladybug. So much for that secret. Oh, and now this. She had tried to help the only brother she liked and where had that gotten her? An endless expanse of white nothingness. Which gave her a lot of time to reflect on her thoughts.

She thought a lot about the Waynes. Damien? She realized that, despite his jerk actions, she hadn't really been fair to him. He hadn't really been raised in a way that would warrant him being a good person, but they could work on that.

Tim? Well, there was someone she felt bad about. She had wanted someone to feel like she did, and she knew, subconsciously, that he was the only one gullible enough for that. The weakest link, you might say. And she preyed on that. And now she felt really bad about it. Course, she couldn't do anything, being trapped in a white torture room and all.

Dick? She hadn't really done anything to him, and he hadn't really done anything to her, except beg her for a suit when she told them she was MDC. (she still laughed at the look on Bruce's face)

Jason? She liked him. Never took anyone's word as gospel. Listened to her before making judgment. Constantly pestered her for a suit. (not that she was gonna give him one.)

Cass? Probably her favorite. (don't tell Jason) She was smart, funny, and quiet. She knew the value of words and knew how and when to use them. She didn't feel the need to fill up the world with words. (jason). And for that, she was Marinette's favorite.

Bruce? She didn't really want to think about him. But she did regardless. She wasn't quite sure how she felt about him. He was stupid. Well, maybe stupid wasn't the right word. Trusting maybe? Naive? Yes, that was the word. How someone who fought crime and watched people get murdered on an almost daily basis could be so blindly trusting, Marinette didn't know.

Course, she had once been that trusting. Then Lila happened and she knew better. Oh, which reminded her, Lila was coming to town! Yippee!

Marinette sighed and rolled onto her stomach. She was so bored. So bored. All she could see was white. White. White. White. White. White. Until there wasn't.


Bruce started at his 3 children with a frown. He wished he hadn't been so blind. And he wished it didn't take two of his children trying to kill each other to figure that out. He wished he hadn't blindly trusted Sabine. He wished he'd treated Tim and Jason better. He wished...Well, he wished a lot of things. but for now, the only wish that mattered was the wish that he would be able to tell this to his children.

A/N- Sorry about the wait y'all!! Last month was crazyyyyyy! I graduated high school and am heading up to college in, like, 2 months! Anyways here's a new chapter for you. Thanks for reading and sticking with me!!!

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