Ch. 37

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"What are you doing in my room." Damian's face paled as he realized Marinette was behind him. He felt the gag fall from his mouth and nearly cried. 

"Well?" Damain opened his mouth to respond, but as he swung around any thought of speech left his mind.

Damain had never felt as fearful as he did right now. Whatever had stepped out of that portal thing was not  Marinette. This-thing, was a creature of darkness. It had fangs almost the size of a small person, red, gloving eyes, oh and it was probably 12 feet tall, judging by the fact that the room was to small for it. But it's appearance was not what scared Damain. It was the feeling he got from it, like this thing was going to kill him, it was just planning to how. 

The creature held his gaze for a moment before lunging at him, give Damian full view of his eminent death. However, when the creature's jaws closed around his head, it disappeared. and instead, Marinette was standing there.

"what-stop screaming- what made you think it would be okay to come in my room and snoop through my stuff?" she climbed up on to the desk and cut him down, smiling he hit the floor. 


"What, no thank you?" Damain couldn't even glare at her, because he felt like passing out now that he had been righted. If he stared at anything other than the carpet, he would puke. which is what happened when Marrinette tried to haul him up. 

"Oh ewww. What is your problem. That is so disgusting." Marinette had not been hit by the nastiness, but it had hither floor, and it smell so gross. She dragged Damain around the puddle by his shirt collar, taking note of his slightly green face, and the concentrated look he had, like he was trying to not puke all over her himself. again, that is. She dragged him into the bathroom and lefty him there.

'When you are done puking, you are going to clean up this mess, and the you and I are going to have a nice, on why you were in my room and on respecting people's privacy, mkay?" Damian couldn't even protest. Marinette took his silence as a yes and left, slamming the door behind her. The noise and feeling did not settle well with Damian, and he proceed to throw up. And if he cried a little while doing so, well, he wasn't going to tell anyone.

A/N- Thanks for reading!!! Sorry about this chapter-I might go through and edit it when I get home from school.

A New Beginning- a MariJon storyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz