Ch. 35

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This was not a normal akuma battle Ladybug decided. Not even close. For one, she was missing her other half, which threw the whole team off balance, and two, this akuma seemed a lot more...violent. Like, a lot more. Her power was turning people on each other, or, as the akuma had put it 'making everyone know what it feels like to be betrayed.' 

Her best friend had stolen an heirloom of hers, apparently. She shot beams from a sword, and if it hit you, you saw everyone as an enemy. Not good when you are a superhero. The akuma's akumatized object was a necklace, which should have been easy to grab, but for some reason they just couldn't get to it without being hit. 

Ladybug looked out over the city, grimacing as she took in the widespread destruction of Paris. In less than three hours. the akuma had managed to destroy almost half the city. The screaming in the streets was almost to much for Ladybug to bear. Usually when battles got this dark, her kitty would make jokes to make it seem lighter, but, well, he couldn't anymore, and the team could feel it.

"Second chance!" Viperion called out for the 6th time. Yellow Jacket had just been thrown into a building and the scream that followed as the building fell on her did not give Viperion good vibes. 

"Ladybug, what do you want us to do? This akuma is way to intense." 

"Speak of the devil."

The akuma floated in on a cloud of black and silver, her hair flowing in the non-existent wind. She drew her sword, instantaneously covering it in fire once more. The Akuma, who called herself 'treachery', smiled at the heroes, betraying a mouth full of fangs. Her pale skin stood out in stark contrast to her obsidian-colored armor.

"Are you done running, little ones?"

"Back off!" Ladybug stepped up, swirling her yo-yo around and around, creating a barrier between the akuma and her friends. She would not let any of them be hit by the beam her stupid sword put out again.

"Make me." The akuma swung her sword at Ladybug, effectivley stop the yo-yo motion. Ladybug sprung out of the way just before the tip hit, but in doing so fell off the building. She threw her yo-yo up and felt it catch. She pulled the yo-yo tight and climbed back up the building, trying to form a plan of attack. 

"Lucky charm! A stopwatch? What am I supposed to do with this?" She looked around but saw nothing but black and white everywhere. She pulled her self up over the build,! The akuma was covered in red and black dots. Strange, but she'd figure it out.

"Ladybug, what do you need?" Ryuko swung her sword at the akuma, meeting he rbalde-for-blade.

"Uhhhh...give me second!"

"Well hurry!" Screamed Yellow-Jacket, who was busy restraining Viperion. Ryuko was inches away from the edge, fighting like her life depended on it. Because it did. Ladybug wrapped her yo-yo around the sword and yanked, sending it flying off the building. 

"Hey Treachery!" The akuma turned to face Ladybug, "Look what I've got!"

"HEY! THAT'S MINE!" The akuma lunged at Ladybug, who sidestepped and kicked her to the floor. Ladybug straddled her back, placing one knee on either side of the akuma, making sure she couldn't get up. She yanked the necklace off of the akuma, and crushed it in her hand. 

"Time to de-evilize!" She scooped up the akuma and healed it, turning it back into a beautiful butterfly. "Bye-bye little Butterfly. Miraculous Ladybug!" 

Little ladybugs flew over the city, repairing the damages, healing injuries, bringing people back from the dead, and keeping them from ripping out each other throats. Viperion and Yellow Jacket stopped fighting and came to stand by Ladybug's side.

"Can you take her back Viperion? I need to go home." Viperion looked at Ladybug worriedly, but didn't say anything. He could see the tears in her eyes, and knew that now was not the time or place to talk about it. 

"Of course. What's your name?"

"Oh, um, it's Lydia." 

"Alright then Lydia, let's get you home."

"Are you alright?" Yellow Jacket placed a hand on Ladybug's shoulder, only stumbling a little when Ladybug threw herself at her and sobbed.

"I miss him so much, Chloe. I miss him." 

"I know ladybug. I know."

~~~time skip of like 15 minutes~~~

Damian swung from the ceiling, having tried and failed to escape for the past four hours. He was so bored. He had tried screaming, had tried knocking things off her desk, but nothing seemed to work. He could only hope she got back soon, because he needed to pee. 

A small whoosh noise came from behind him and for a second he was relived. ! Unfortunately for him, Marinette wasn't really in a forgiving mood.

"What are you doing in my bedroom." 

A/N- I sacrificed playing COD so I could write this. Also, I kinda can't write action scenes apparently. But thanks for reading!!!

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