Ch. 14

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3rd Person Pov

"What's got your panties in a twist Timbo?"

"Oh f-"


"Sorry Alfr- give me my gun Damian!"


"Come and get it!"

"I hope you die."

"Master Jason! We do not throw cutlery at the dinner table."

"Ahhhhhhh! Alfred heeeeeeeelp! Jason stop it!"


"Hey can I bring Kori over later today?"

"Tt. No one wants to see you and your girlfriend make lovey-dovey faces at each other all day- Ow! What was that for?"

"She's my wife, nitwit, we just don't live together."

"Yeah, probably because she'd file for divorce if she had to live with you."

"You absolute dic-"

"BOYS! Sit down and eat your food."

Breakfast at the Wayne's. Any meal was sure to be an event, but breakfast was usually the worst, because not a single on of the Waynes is morning person, Mari included. Thank goodness for Alfred, or there wouldn't be a single breakfast that would pass without bloodshed. Cass shook her head, glad he had put a stop to the noise.

Marinette walked in, looking like she hadn't slept in a year. That is, until she saw Cass. 

"Eeeeeeeeee!" She squealed, running to Cass."I forgot you were coming!" Cass smiled, glad to see her favorite member of the Wayne family.

"Ouch Blueberry. Not even gonna say hi to me." Marinette rolled her eyes and gave Jason the one fingered salute. "Wow! Blueberry's feeling feisty today." That was good, Cass decided. She had seen that Marinette tended to bottle up her emotion and put on a porcelain doll facade, and she was glad that Marinette had finally decided to act like herself. 

Cass grabbed Marinette's arm and pulled her into the the chair on her right, not-so-subtly telling Jason that Marinette was hers. Jason bared his teeth, totally prepared to fight Cass for the pleasure of being able to sit next Marinette. Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on who you were, it was then that Tim noticed what Marinette was wearing. 

He sent coffee spraying across the table, ruining Bruce's suit and and Dick's hair.

"What your problem-"






"TIM! Please, stop yelling. Some of us want to be able to hear later today."

"Sorry, sorry, sorry. Where did you get that Marinette?"

"Like I'd tell you." Marinette smirked at the devastated look on both his, Dick's and Jason's faces. She had chosen her outfit carefully this morning, making sure every piece was a Miss Fortune original, knowing that most of the Wayne's all but worshiped her. 

"Actually Marinette, Tim has a valid question. Where did you get that, and where did you get the funds to buy it?" Bruce had the sneaking suspicion she had either stolen the outfit, or stolen Bruce's money and bought it with that. 

"Again, why should I tell you? In fact, why do you even care. As far as I can tell, you only have  4 articles of clothing, seeing as how you wear the same outfit everyday." Jason snorted, quickly turning it into a cough as Bruce glared at him. 

"I need to know because I have to make sure that you didn't steal it."

"What in the actual heck is wrong with you? How and when would I have stolen it. In my non-existent free time, with my non-existent car, with my non-existent freedom? I'm not allowed off this floor without supervision, much less the manor. What do you think I did, teleport?"Marinette was done with this family. She pushed her chair back, leaving her meal half-finished on the table.

"If you really must know, I made this outfit myself and will never, ever make anything for any of you. Except for you Cass sweetie. Have a good day."

"Wait! Marinette, Light-of-my life, Pixie, Short-stack, what about meeeeeee?" Jason ran after, the force of him jumping up enough to send his chair flying halfway across the room.

It was silent for almost a minute, until Cass began to laugh. And then-slowly but surely- she spoke.

"She...she sure" And then she stood up and left, following Marinette up the stairs, her grin never fading.



"Marinette is Miss Fortune?"

"I told you she was hiding something!"

"I can't believe that she-"

Bruce stared after her for who knows how long, struggling to sort out his emotions. Pride, because Cass had spoken. Actually spoken. Hurt, because it was not kind words, and Marinette had basically made fun of his entire life style. Shame, for reason he would rather ignore. And joy, because, again, Cass had spoken.

The Wayne's were rudely interrupted from their cacophony of noise by the Joker, who had finished with robbing a bank and was now holding the employees hostage. 

"Boys! We have work to do. You can obsess over this, ah, development, later. Right now, we have some civilians to save."


Mari turned to Cass and Jason, smiling in an unsettling way. 

"This morning did not go as planned, but it worked out just fine. I'll just put off Part 2 for the time being."

"What are you talking about cupcake?"

"Oh nothin. Just rambling, Oh, and Jason-"


"If you ever call me short again, you will find yourself with the inability to ever call anyone anything ever again, mkay?" Jason audibly gulped, a chill running down his back. Something told him that she would follow through with the threat, regardless of the 'no maiming' rule.

"What's part 2?" 

"Oh that just my plane to make Tim doubt anything and everything he's ever known." The raventte smiled. Jason was suddenly glad he was not on the receiving end of her rage. He pitied whomever was.

"Would you like to help me?" Just because it scared him, didn't mean that Jason would want to sit out from making his family suffer.

"I thought you'd never ask." 

A/N- Man 2 updates in a row! I'm going to introduce her singing career soon, so I need to know if y'all would like to have the playlist I made for her or nor. Thanks for reading! 

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