Ch. 46

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Marinette felt numb. Well, maybe numb wasn't the right word to use, but she felt empty. She new she should be feeling something, angry, sad- anything really. But she didn't. And she didn't know why.

Oh she had some guesses- her heart had just decided to stop caring, whatever happened that night was so traumatic that not only could she not remember it, it had shut of her feeling- but nothing concrete. 

She didn't want to tell Jason or Jon because she didn't want to worry them, but she knew Jon could tell something was up. He looked away when she met his eyes, he would look up at her and then look back down and shake his head, and she could feel him just staring at her. To be honest, it was a little creepy. But it also made her happy, at least a little bit, to know that some cared enough to worry about her. 


Had Marrinette always looked that pretty?

Jon was sitting at the table, noodles hanging out of his mouth, staring at Marinette with puppy dog eyes for the fourteenth time that day.

"Dude what's your problem?" 


"What's your problem? You keep staring at my sister and it's weird."

"I'm not staring at her!"

"Yes you are! And you have been for the past 15 minutes."

"Have not!"

"Have too!"

"Boys!" Jason and Jon looked up in fear. "What are we arguing about?"

"Nothing Marinette." 

"Hmpf. If you say so." Marinette turned and left the room, leaving Jason and Jon to continue their conversation in hushed voices.

"Have not."

"Have too."

"Have not."



"Master Dick will you please take Master Tim some water. I fear he's only been drinking coffee and monsters."

"Mmmm, no."

"Let me rephrase that. Master Dick you will go bring master Tim water."

"Ugggg fine." Dick reluctantly grabbed Tim a bottle of water and slowly made his way done to the Bat cave. He was still mad at Tim for stealing his waffles and not apologizing for it. 

"Here's water. Alfred wants you to drink it." No response. Dick rolled his eyes and walked off, only to be sopped by a sound from the desk.


"I said, can you please get Bruce for me. He won't answer my calls."


"What? Why?"

"Because I'm still mad at you."

"Mad at me? Mad at me for what?"

""For stealing my stuff!"

"I didn't steal your stupid waffles you piece of-"

"Yes you did! And I'm not going to do anything for you until you admit it." Dick spun around and stalked out of the Batcave, leaving Tim alone. 


Tim was running on no sleep, six cups of coffee, and five different energy drinks. So when Dick yelled at him, it may or may not have cause him to burst into tears. 

He just didn't understand. It felt like no one in this family liked him anymore. Apparently Bruce had never liked him, and Jason had never liked him. Of course, Jason didn't like anyone, but still. And now Dick was accusing him of a very Jason-like act. And it hurt. 

Time was so lost in self-pity that he didn't hear the pings coming from the computer indicating that Marinette had been found.


"Here is everyone's itineraries. Please make sure to keep this on you at all times. IT has the addresses and dates for everything we will be doing while in America. It also has the contact information of everyone here and your parents. Please keep it with you." Mrs. Bustier was practically begging them to keep it on their persons. If she lost a kid her life would be over. Her teaching licence would be revoked and she would have to leave Paris. And, heaven forbid, if one of her students got killed...they were spending part of their trip in Gotham after all.

"Would the economy class of flight 17b please begin boarding. Once again, the economy class of flight 17b needs to begin boarding."

"Alright everyone, make sure you're with your partner. We need to stick together!"

"Yes Mrs. Bustier!" The Paris class made their way over to the gate, and began the long, boring process of boarding the plane.

It took about and hour longer than it should have, due to the fact that Lila  kept throwing tantrums about how she 'should've been in first class' and 'maybe Chloe should switch seating with her because she gets sick very easily, and first class would be better for her." But, for some incredibly shocking reason, Chloe refused to give up her seat. 

"Hello passengers, this is your captain speaking. Thank you for choosing Southwest airlines for your flight today. The flight from Paris, France to New York, New York will take approximately 7 hours. Have a nice flight!"

The Parisians strapped themselves in and prepared for the long flight ahead of them.

A/N- I"M SO SORRY!!! I've been gone for so long!!!! I know I promised I was gonna update more, but the past couple week were a little crazy. Y'know, christmas, I had to work full shifts, the 'c' button on my computer stopped working, I got covid. But I'm back now! Thanks for reading!!!

A New Beginning- a MariJon storyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя