CH. 31

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School had been postponed a week to give the student time to grieve their friend. Unfortunately the week was over and that wound was fresh. 

"Nino, sweetie, I need you to pay attention to the board please." Miss Bustier sighed and looked back at the board, turning away from Nino who was staring at his old desk mate's spot for the 13th time in an hour. She understood that he had lost his best friend, but he did need to focus on his studies, and she had to-

"Sorry I'm late everyone! I was delivering food to the homeless and lost track of time! Oh I hope I didn't miss too much." Lila slid into Alya's bench, grinning inwardly. She had gotten through the hard part, having to act sad at the service, so the rest of this year should be a breeze. After all, how long could they be upset about it? 

"Oh mys gosh girl, you will not believe what I did this weekend. So, Prince Ali video calls me, right. And-"

"Hey girl, I don't want to be rude, but I'm not really in the mood to hear people, like, talking. So if it could wait for a little, that'd be great." Alya looked...awful. Like she hadn't slept the entire week they had off. Lila clenched her jaw before smiling brightly again.

"Oh my gosh Al's! I am so sorry! It just, that after what he did to me, I'm having a really hard time feeling sorry for him, ya know?" At least she could come up with an excuse for not looking and feeling like a zombie.

"Oh of course girl, that is totally understandable. But...he was my friend, and I need some space, okay? I'm really sorry Lila. Maybe we can catch up next week." If looks could kill, Alya would be a pile of ashes. Fortunately, she had gone back to staring at the desk and din't catch Lila's look.

"Girls, please I need you to pay attention. I know it's hard, but if you focus on something else, maybe it will help?" Lila sighed and sunk into her seat. It was going to be a loooong school year.

                                                                    Time~skip ~of~an~hour

"Oh I almost forgot! Before you leave, I need to give you permission slips for our school field trip! We are going to New York! Isn't that exciting! You can grab the permission slips off my desk as you leave."


"Hey Marinette! You're back! I, uh, I missed you."

"Hey Jon. I missed you too." Marinette said softly. 

"Oh, um, are you okay?"

"Sure." Bruce had told her she didn't need to go back, but after sitting in her room crying all week, Marinette needed something to focus on. 

"Do you want a hug?" Marinette nodded, and Jon gave her the longest hug he had ever given anyone. It was a good thing he was the son of the Man of Steel, or he probably would have had holes in his back from her nails. She must've really needed that hug.

"Hey Marinette, I would love to hold this longer, but, uh, we have to get to class."

"Right." Jon blushed as she turned around, mentally kicking himself for stopping the hug. Clearly needed it, and so what if he was late to class for the first time ever. It wasn't going to hurt him. Ugggg, he was so stupid sometimes. 

He crashed into the wall, to busy cursing himself to notice they'd arrived at the classroom. And he knew something was wrong when Marinette, instead of freaking out and fussing over him, just helped him up and went into class. 

Jon spent most of the day trying to figure out how to find out what was wrong. Asking Jason hadn't worked, and Alfred hadn't been there the last time he went over, so the Wayne household was out of the question. He could try Damian again, but Jon was pretty sure he didn't know anything. Maybe Rachel would know? Marinette had hung out with her quite a bit before leaving. 

Jon went to find her after school let out, only to see her getting into Damain's car and speeding off.

Was he missing something? Did they finally start dating? Did she steal Damians car? What was going on? Oh...OH!

 Jon felt the blood drain from his face as he remembered that the Teen Titans were having a training session today, and if he had been told that if he missed yet another practice, he was going to be booted off the team. 

Jon ran into an alley and pulled his uniform off as fast as he could, pulling on his costume and leaving so fast the window panes of the store next to him broke with the force. He was going to be in soooo much trouble when he got home.

A/N- Thanks for reading!!!!!!!!!

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