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Third Person Pov

The atmosphere of the Wayne household had changed dramatically. While it used to have a fun, familial, almost loving, feeling about it, now everything was just tense. it was as if something, ore somone had been pulled tight, and with just the slightest bit of pressure, they would snap.  Everyone tiptoed around, not wanting to set off whatever bomb was laying around, No one knew what was going to happen, but they all knew that when it did, the results would not be pretty. 


Marinette's Pov

I had been up with Chloe all night, putting together the pieces of my plan. It would take a while, but the end result would be worth it. I smiled and sauntered down the hallway, 30 minutes late for breakfast. I slid into my seat, stealing a plate of pancakes from Jason, one of the few Waynes I actually liked. Which was surprising, seeing as how when we first met I was absolutely terrified. Not because I was worried he gonna hate on me like all the other Waynes did, but because of his aura. There was a darkness that rolled off of him in waves, making him seem angry and unbalanced. I later learned this feeling was an effect of the Lazarus Pit. I had felt it on my blood brother, but I thought that was because of his training with the league.

"Hey! I was gonna eat that!" 

"Well now you're not." He grabbed the plate, trying to yank from my hands. I let him lean back, and once he was far enough, let go. Jason, the chair, and the pancakes fell to the ground in one giant, syrupy mess. For a few seconds, the strict, unloving feel I got from the Wayne household lifted, but then Bruce had to open his fat mouth and ruin it all. 

"Marinette you're late. And we don't steal food from others in this house." Oh I was so done with this.

"Really? Cause it looks like Dick just took bacon off of Damian's plate." Bruce reply was lost in the ensuing chaos. I caught Tim's eye and smiled, well it was really more like I bared my teeth, and laughed as ran out at full speed. It was time for phase 1 to begin. 


3rd person Pov

Jason was in love with what Marinette was doing. What it was she was doing, he had no idea, but whatever it was made Bruce mad, so it was absolutely fantastic in his opinion. The look on Bruce's face when she talked back this morning? Priceless. He couldn't wait to see more. 

Tim was scared for his life, to say the least. First of all, Marinette had sounded like she'd wanted to kill him last night, and this morning she nearly succeed, outing him to Damian like that. He was gonna feel the bruises for a while. Second, what was with that smile? She looked like she wanted to eat him. He shivered, a chill going down his back at the memory of it. He wasn't sure what Marinette was doing, but whatever it was, he was screwed. 

Bruce was shocked, if anything. For the first time in her stay, Marinette was late to breakfast. And then she had stolen food from one of his kids. And to top it all off, she had been argumentative. This had to have been what Sabine was talking about, right? If he was being honest with himself, which he wasn't, the girl had done nothing to live up to Sabine's words until now, and that was after living in a hostile environment for almost 2 months. He would need to start keeping a closer eye on the girl. 

Alfred found the whole situation very funny. Of course, being Alfred, he had known what was, and is, going to happen and had made sure to record Mr. Wayne's face. He was proud that he girl he had come to think of as family was finally standing up for herself. Now he just had to stay put of the way and make sure to record the chaos that would ensue. And if he bribed a little red and black goddess to tell him what was going to happen, well, who was going to know?


Marinette retreated to her room, pulling out the three letter she had drafted to Alfred, Jason, and Cass, telling them to stay out of her way and not provoke her, less they be on the receiving end of her anger. She sat through lunch and dinner, wondering why she decided to begin Phase 1 on the one day a week they eat meals together. She needed them out of the house, and because it was Saturday, that meant she had to wait until nighttime. 

"Jason give it back!"

"It's mine now!"

"That's my food you imbecile!" 

"I'm going to kill you, Todd!"

"Only if you catch me!" 

"Did you know that playing dance music can help ward off mosquitoes?"

"Can it help ward off demons, cause if not, I think I'm screwed."

Marinette massaged her temples, sighing in annoyance. Dinner was always the loudest meal of day. And Alfred wasn't here to diffuse any fights, so it just kept escalating. Jason had a bloody nose, Tim was sporting a split lip, and Damian was covered in soup. Thank goodness everyone was almost finished. They all went their separate ways, leaving Marinette at the dinner table. She grinned, looking forward to the implementation of Phase 1. Everything was set in place and now all that was left to do was wait.

A/N Obviously Alfred knows about the miraculous. Alfred is an all-knowing god. Thanks for reading!!!


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