Ch. 44

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Mari's POV

"..telling you where we are."

"Who was that?"

"Like you weren't eavesdropping."

Where am I? 

"Okay, you got me there. But in my defense, you are very loud."

"Oh shut it Kent."

Everything hurts.

"That doesn't mean-shhhh. I think Marinette's awake."

"Hey Marinette, how you feeling?" 

"Marinette? You there?"


I'm so, so tired.

"Jason, I don't think she's awake enough to answer yet."


So tired.


"In your dreams, Kent!"



Why was it so loud?

"How did you beat me? I was ahead the entire time!" 

"Sucks to suck, doesn't it Todd?"

"Whatever. I'm getting water."


"HEY Jo- Oh, Martinette, are you awake this time?"

Why did it hurt so bad?

Why couldn't I remember?

Why was I so tired?


"I guess not."

"I'm Hunrgyyyy!"

"You're always hungry Jon."

I want food

"But I'm super hungry this time."

"Great pun."

"Pun not intended."

"Whatever. Well, lucky, for you I have hot dogs!"

But I was so tired

"Is she going to wake up?"

Was that Jon?

"I don't know Kent, I'm not a doctor."


"I'm getting worried."

Worried about what?

"Me too kid. Me too."

"I hope she's not go-

"Shhhhhh. I think she just moved."

The bed dipped beneath me, and I figured someone must have sat nextto me. 

"Hey Marientte." Jason whispered. "Are you feeling okay?"

I tried to respond, but my mouth was too dry to talk.

"Go get her water Jon." 

Jon brought me water, didn't stop in time, spilled it, then brought me a new one, walking this time. 

"I-I feel fine. Just a little tired."

"So you-Do you-Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure. I just must've been really tired."

"Wait wait wait wait. What's the last thing you remember?"

What is he going on about? I was sleeping, so the last thing I remember was going to sle- actually, I didn't remember falling asleep. At least, not the first time.

"Um, I was, uh, I don't know. Oh actually I think I was arguing with Bruce. I was, wasn't I?" Jason nodded in confirmation. "But I can't remember what we argued about, or what happened after. Or how I ended up in this...ugh what is this place?"

"Hey! I worked hard for this, I'll have you know!" 


"You know what, I could just take you back."

"Uh, I think I'm good. Speaking of- why are we here?"

"Yeah I have that question too." I looked up a Jon and then looked away, a strange warmth filling my chest when I looked at him. "You said you'd explain when Marinette woke up."

"Yes I did say that, didn't I. Why don't we move this conversation to the kitchen, so I can explain while we get some food into Marinette's tummy. And yours too Jon."

I went to sit up, but Jason beat me to it, sliding his arms under my back and legs and lifting me. It was probably a good thing, because even that small movement made me nauseous.

"So where do you want to start?"

A/N- So I finally updated!!!! Thanks for sticking with it and reading!!! Love you all !

A New Beginning- a MariJon storyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt