Ch. 15

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MAri's Pov

" a lot of waffles."

I stood at the freezer in the bat cave, growing increasingly confused as I counted 64 packages of waffles.

Why was I in the bat cave? Well part 2 of phase one consisted of me setting the Waynes at each other's throats. And the best place to start was the batcave.

I'm not an idiot, okay. Obviously the Waynes were the batfamily. Always out late a nigh, going on "business trips", magically disappearing right before the batfam shows up to take care of a villain. Not to mention the amount of bruises, cuts, and burns I see on them. It's a miracle no one else has figured them out.

I grabbed a package of waffles, wondering who in the world kept that many. Dick's name was inscribed in sharpie on every. Single. Package. Perfect.


3rd Person Pov


"Why are you looking at me?"

"Because, Tim, you were the only one in here!"

"I didn't do anything!"

"Suuuuure you didn't."

"I didn't!"

"Then who did? A ghost? Marinette, who doesn't even know this place exists?"

"Just give me my waffles Tim, and all will be forgiven."


"Fine. Don't own up. Jason, you are now my favorite sibling."

"Sweet! Did you hear that, demon spawn? I'm the favorite."

"Yeah, the favorite to punch."

"Ah....I'll just be going now."


Jason couldn't believe Marinette was Miss Fortune. He had spent most of yesterday begging for a commission, telling her he would pay anything, only to be bet with a hard no.

But he wasn't going to stop trying.


"Mari pleeeeeeeeeeeeease? I really, really need it!"

"Jason I already said n-" She froze, eyes darting around the room, before her nose, ears, and eyes started to bleed.

"Mari?" Jason grabbed her face and looked at her, trying to figure out what was wrong. Blood was pouring at an alarming rate, and she was so pale she was almost translucent. 

"Marinette what's wrong?"

"I don't...I can't...I don't...Jason help me..JASON!" Her voice rose and her breathing sped up as she curled in on herself, sobbing in pain. Jason lowered her to the ground, where she curled in to the fetal position.

"ALFRED! ALFRED HELP!" Marinette sobbed harder before splaying out, arching her back, and screaming. Her mouth moved as she strained to get air in, but her lungs were not having it. She began to seize, eyes rolling up into the back of her head, before she stopped. Stopped bleeding, stopped seizing, stopped breathing. Jason felt her being tugged from his arms, and Alfred's voice telling him to move. 

"We have to get her to her room. Tikki is the only one who can help her." Tikki? Who the fetch was Tikki?

"NOW Master Jason." He ran a head of Alfred, throwing the door to her room open and clearing the path of any obstacles. Alfred deposited Marinette on her bed before rifling through her closet, pulling out a black and red box. 

"Tikki, we need your help." Well it's official. Alfred has gone crazy. Jason turn to Marinette, beginning CPR, when a red blur shot past his face. A light sent him flying backwards, into Alfred who steadied him and kept him from falling. Jason righted himself, keeping his eyes on Marinette in terror, watching as the little red blur landed on her cheek and disappeared. And then Marinette began to glow.

Her chest rose as she took a sharp, painful breath, and sunk and she sent it out in a quick rush of air. Her body relaxed as her breathing even out, the color returning to her cheeks. 

"What the fu-"


"Sorry. What the heck was that?" Alfred glanced at the girls sleeping figure, before turning back to Jason.

"I promise I'll explain everything, but she needs to be there when I do. We will let her rest and the tonight I'll answer your questions to the best of my ability. Why don't I go make you a coffee and then you can go let out some of your panic in the training room." Jason nodded slowly, slowly following Alfred out of her room, shaking hard, and crying even harder. He threw one last glance at the raven-haired girl lying in the room, and then left her to sleep.

And across the sea, a man in a room full of butterflies held a restored miraculous in his hands. 

A/N- Sorry if this sounds rushed. What do yall think happened? Thanks for reading!

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