Ch. 6

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                                                                      3rd person Pov

Alfred liked this little girl sitting behind him. She was like a little ray of sunshine, all smiles and laughter. Almost the complete opposite of her father, at least personality wise. Physically, they were almost the same, with dark hair, blue eyes, and short stature. Alfred hoped that once Bruce saw this, he'd get over the "my daughter is evil and must be corrected" mentality. Maybe after meeting her, he would listen to Alfred, who had told him repeatedly over the past few days to not judge her before meeting her. 

He pulled up in front of the manor, where Bruce and most of the kids were standing outside. He opened  the door for the little lady and went to grab her bags.

"Alfred, sir, I am fully capable of grabbing my own bags."

"I'm sure you are Miss Marinette, but it's my job. Why don't you go over and meet your family." The girls eyes darkened momentarily before brightening again. He watched her skip over to Bruce before bending down to pick up her backpack. When he popped back up Marinette was no longer smiling. It looked as though she had managed to make herself smaller, looking for all the world like life had quite literally been sucked out of her. 

                                                                      Marinette's Pov

The car ride to the Waynes was quiet, but fun. The city passed by in blurs of black and grey, and Alfred had given me chocolate. Soon enough we pulled into the driveway, and holy crap their house was huge! I didn't realize my mother had meant the Waynes when she told me where I was headed. The door opened, pulling my out of my thoughts. Alfred bent down, going to grab my backpack, but I stopped him before he could. 

"Alfred, sir, I am fully capable of grabbing my own bags."

"I'm sure you are Miss Marinette, but it's my job. Why don't you go over and meet your family."

I looked up and, sure enough, the Wayne family had gathered outside. They didn't look very happy. Of course, everyone in Gotham looked that way so maybe it was okay.     

"Hi, I'm Marinette, but of course you probably already know that,  but you must be Monsieur Wayne, right? I can't wait to get to know you all!" The man in front of her just stared at her, eyes boring into her soul. I was supposed to be here, right? Unless it was a different Alfred waiting for a different Marinette.      

"Yes, I am Mr. Wayne. But we won't be 'getting to know you' until we lay down a fee ground rules." At this, I knew. Somehow, someway, Lila had sunk her claws into the Waynes. I could feel my self deflating, any hope I felt leaving me in one big whoosh. 

"Oh. Okay."

"Let's go in." I followed them inside, not looking from the ground till we stopped. Monsiuer Wayne gestured for me to sit on one of the many stools at the island in the large kitchen.

"Monsieur Wayne, if I may-"

"No, you may not. I have heard all about you and your antics. So before you say anything else, we will be going over some ground rule."

"But I-"

"No." His glare tore me to shreds and I curled into myself. I wanted to cry. 

"First, we will be monitoring your contact with anyone outside of this family." Great. I didn't text anyone anyways.

"Second, you will always be accompanied by one of us whenever you leave this house." Whatever. 

"Lastly, you will be respectful to everyone in this household, including Alfred. He is part of the family and will be treated as such." Like I was going to treat him any differently.

They introduced themselves, not that I payed attention. I was to busy wallowing in self-pity to bother learning all of their names. Bruce led my to my room and handed me a piece of paper. Apparently there were a few more things that I was and wasn't allowed to do. 

You know, for being the chosen of the luck god, I sure was unlucky.

A/N -Sorry, it's a little choppy. Thanks for reading!

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