Ch. 18

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MAri's Pov

"It started about for years ago. I was walking to school, and saw an old man about to get hit by a car. So obviously, I had to help him. What I didn't know was that helping was going to change the course of my entire life. I went through my school day, and when I came home, there was a box sitting on my desk. Inside were a pair of earrings, and a small bug-mouse looking thing." At this Tikki flew out of the Miracle Box, yawned, and nestled herself in my hair.

"Tikki is the kwami of creation, and my best friend. She explained to me that I was to done the ladybug miraculous, my earrings, and help save Paris from some evil super villain. I felt under qualified, but I put the earrings on anyways. I then left to find my classmate, who was to be Hawkmoths first akuma victim. Hawkmoth is a butterfly-themed terrorist, and he stole the butterfly miraculous. His kwami is Nooroo, the kwami of transmission. It grants Hawkmoth the power to basically mind-control one person anytime they have a negative emotion. That day, I donned the super heroine person of Ladybug. As Ladybug, my duty is to cleanse the akuma victim of there akuma, and restore the any damage Paris sustained during the battle. My partner's name is Chat Noir. He has the Miraculous of the cat, and is the kwami of destruction. He grants his holder the power to destroy anything once before the transformation wears off."


"Sorry, I'm not explaining this very well. Each kwami has a phrase you say to 'transform', meaning you get a cool suit and cool superpowers. Each transformation can only last so long. After you use your superpower, you only have 5 minutes till the transformation wears off, and you have to recharge. As you get older, the amount of time you can hold your transformation gets longer. But back to the story. Occasionally, Chat Noir and I would get help from other people for particularly difficult akuma's. One of those people was girl named Chloe Bourgeois. She told the world that she was Queen Bee, and kinda ruined her chances at being a super hero. But I gave her a second chance, and she betrayed everyone. She turned to hawkmoth, and almost defeated us. By the end of the battle, I was guardian, and had to create a whole new team of reserves. I hated her for a long time. But, with help from her old kwami, I began to understand why she did. Her mother was emotionally abusive, and her father never had time for her. She had no friends, and had built a wall around herself to protect herself from being hurt. And then ladybug came. Ladybug was like, her idol, and then Ladybug left her to. I cried a lot that night. And when I showed up to school the next day, I saw everything she said and did in a whole new light.

"And then someone new showed up.The day started out normal, me being late, because hawkmoth doesn't know what sleep is. We had a new student, a gilr named Lila Rossi. She was a real piece of work. The day she showed up was the the day I learned the difference between hating someone and loathing them with every ounce of your being. She lied about knowing Jagged stone, having arthritis, about having Tinnitus, and said she was best friends with Ladybug. Puh-lease. As if I would ever become friends with anyone like her. And then, she had the nerve to lie about having a miraculous to my former crush. So I transformed into ladybug and called her out. And then he told me I was overreacting. Seriously? This girl lies about having a miraculous, which could put her into serious danger, and he tells me that I'm overreacting. Uggg. That boy. Later, when it started getting physical, I went to expose her, and he told me to take the high road. And I listened. I sat in the back of the classroom, basically the class pariah, and ignored the fact the she was ruining my friends futures."

" Why did you listen to him?" Jason looked crestfallen.

"Because, well, because...because I loved him. I loved him. I would have done anything for him. Anything. But that's besides the point.

"So the year past, and Lila just got worse, and I was fed up with Adriens stupid advice. So I called her out. Obviously, it didn't work out for me, because I'm here. She cornered me in the bathroom, spouted her normal crap about how she was gonna take my friends away and Adrien was gonna be hers forever-"

"Wait wait wait wait wait. She was threatening you?"

"Yes Jason. Get with the program. Anyways, this somehow resulted in her becoming akumatized for the millionth time. This time, however, began to make my think she was working with hawkmoth. I won't tell you why, cause it's personal, but lets just say the akuma wasn't heading for her. So I began to watch her, as Ladybug and as Marinette.

"And although I still don't have rock-solid evidence, i have more than enough to make it clear she's a villain. She chased after akuma's, and constantly belittled and hurt people to akumatize them. She just-ugg- she just fills me with unadulterated rage. But whatever. I was using her to figure out who hawkmoth is, but then she got to my mom, and now I'm here, and can't finish my search. But yeah, that's basically it. 

"Oh wait! Gosh dang it. I forgot about Mayura. Mayura showed up about a year into the whole thing. She donned the Miraculous of the Peacock, whose kwami is Duusu." At this, Alfred made a small noise, but gestured for me to continue. 

"She is the kwami of emotion, and grants her holder the ability to create amoks, or sentiment monsters who do the biding of their creator. I'm pretty sure that's it. Any questions?"

"I'll let you know once I've processed all of...this." Jason looked shell-shocked, and a felt bad for just dumping this on him. 

"No? Okay. Then it's my turn to ask questions. What exactly happened this afternoon? And how do you know Duusu?"

Alfred, for the first time since I'd met him, looked ashamed. 

"I can answer your first question, but for the second, it will have to be answered another night." I nodded. I hated pressing people to talk when they didn't want to.

"I believe that someone was fixing a broken miraculous."

A/N- Cliffhanger. Kind of. lol. I lied last chapter cause I went to go to sleep and wasn't tired at all. Also i changed the timeline of miraculous to fit this a little bit. Lemme know what you think of the story so far. Thanks for reading!!!

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