Ch. 24

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The first day if school did not go well for Damian and Marinette. First off, school starts in September in France, so Marinette felt weird starting school in August. And the night before, well really the morning of, school , she got a call from Jagged telling her that the tour had to be postponed because Penny had pneumonia. So Marinette had spent the rest of her sleep time worrying about her. And then Damian was still sulking from what had been said in that last conversation with Marinette. So the day just started off wrong. And it didn't get any better. The car ride to school was quiet and tense, and then when they got to school Marinette somehow beat Damian to every single one of his classes and stole his seat next to Jon. And then, of course, every freshman in the school tried to become friends with him, most likely for his money. He made a few of them cry and got an office trip in return.

Marinette had a much better day than Damian, though in the rankings of first days, it was probably in the bottom 50%. she made fast friends with with a girl named Rachel, and hung out with Jon, but other than that, everything seemed to go wrong. She got lost on the way to lunch, and actually missed it entirely, and she was late to all of her classes because she kept getting lost. And, of course, she was worried about Penny the whole day.

The car ride home was less tense because Damian had been sent home after bad mouthing the front office lady. Marinette told Alfred all about how she made a friend, and nothing about the silent feud between her and Damian, although she may have laughed when she heard he had been sent home.

The second day went the same, albeit with fewer freshmen tears, and a whole lot more fighting in between Marinette and Damian. The third and fourth day went the same, and Alfred decided it was finally time to step in. He had though they were mature enough to work though it themselves, but apparently not. 

He had forced them into the family room, and stood in the doorway so they could not leave.

"Alfred," Marinette whined, "Please let me go. I have homework."

"I'm sorry Miss Marinette, but until you and Damain apologize to each other, I can't let you out."

"Uggggg." On one hand, the last thing Marinette wanted to do was apologize to Damain. Sure, she felt bad for hurting him. In fact, she was pretty sure she had made him cry. Unless the sounds she had heard came from a movie. But on the other, she really did have work to do. She had commissions to make and a song to record and homework to do and she really needed out so she could do it all. 

"Master Damian sit down." Damain growled and sat, trying to glare holes in the wall.

"I'm sorry for calling you...misguided." Marinette almost fell out of her seat in shock. She thought for sure she would have to go first.



"Sorry Alfred. Damain, I am sorry for the, uh, less than pleasant remarks I made about your upbringing."

"See, that wasn't so hard. You may go now." Alfred knew the apologize were insincere, but at least they had said it.

"Thanks Alfred!" Marinette was gone faster then Alfred could say 'you're welcome'.


Damian's Pov

That was the grossest thing I had ever done. Saying the words 'I'm sorry' made me want to puke. Especially since they were directed at Marinette. I hate her. Definitely not because she had hurt my feelings or anything. Just cause she's mean.  

I shook my head as I walked to my room, seeking the comfort of Alfred The Cat. He always makes me feel better. 

I don't understand why I had had to apologize. It was Marinette who had been a jerk, making those comments about my mother. How did she even know about that?! That was private information that could only be accessed through the Bat computer. Or another member of the League. Hmmmm. Could she be...? No. There was no way she could be part of the League. Right?

A sense of dread filled my chest as I thought about a member of the League being in my home. I didn't want to jump to conclusions, because that was a serious accusation to make, but there was only one way to know for sure. I would have to moniter everything she did. Every time she left the house, every time she called someone, every text she sent, I will watch. And when she messes up, I'll be there.

A/N- I'm so sorry😭!!!! I went AWOL for like 3 weeks! I'm sorry!!!! Thanks for stickin with me and thanks for reading!

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