Ch. 48

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"Owowowow Damain let go! Ow!" Tim yelped as Damian dragged him down the hallway, barely controlling the urge to cuss him out as Damian threw him into a room.

"Thank you Demon, I'll take it from here."


"Hello, Timbo. I hope Damain's given you time to think about your actions."


"Ah-ah. We wouldn't want to incriminate ourselves further. You know, it's the fifth amendment and all, having the right to remain silent." Jason stalked towards him, and Tim began to backpedal, backing into a bookcase and toppling it. 

"Jason-" Tim was cut off as Jason pushed him into the ground shoving his foot into his chest.

"You think you can just say that to my little sister and get away with it?" Tim whimpered as Jason straddled his body.

"Jason your eyes-"

"SHUT UP!" Tim cried out as Jason hit him. He bucked his hips up, sending Jason over his head. He wrapped his arm around Jason's and threw all his weight to the right, flipping Jason to the ground and landing on top of him. Jason screamed and shoved Tim off with his legs.

"ALFRED! BRUCE! DAMI-" Tim was cut off as Jason kicked him in the chest, sending him flying into the wall. He blinked stars out of his eyes as Jason threw a punch at him, missing Tim by a hairsbreadth. Jason growled as he shook his fist out and threw Tim on the floor.

"Jason ple-" Tim screamed as Jason stopped on his wrist, covering up the nasty crunching sound it made.

"Jas-," Tim sobbed," Jason please." 

Jason straddled Tim once again, this time hands placed around his throat. Tim let out a strangled sob as he felt Jason's hands tighten, and closed his eyes as his vision began to darken. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he heard a door open, and felt Jason's weight slide off of him, and a soft thud as he hit the floor. He heard someone yell his name, felt someone slide their arms underneath him and pick him up, and then...nothing. 


"Marinette wait!" Dick yelled as he ran after her, "Come back! I'm sure he didn't mean it! MARI!"

"Wait, Dick! Let me talk to her."

"You?" Dick asked Jon incredulously, but Jon was already gone.


"Marinette?  Are you in here?" Jon knew she was in her room, he had x-ray vision, but he figured it'd be less creepy if he asked her to come out. 


"Oh, well I'll guess I'll leave then." Jon pulled the door open and slid down the wall of the closet to sit with her.

" Do you want to talk about it?" He said softly. One minute ticked by, then another. A crash sounded from downstairs and Jon winced, hoping Tim wasn't in too much danger. Another minute passed, and another.

"I don't Jon. I don't even know why I got so upset. I hate Adrien. But I love- I mean loved, Chat Noir. He was the closest thing I had to family. And now that the two of them are the same, all my feeling have jumbled together and I just don't know what to feel. I mean, well, I don't know what I mean, but I've been feeling all sorts of things since before I got to Gotham, and I haven't had time to sort them out, and I've been trying to just shove them down, but clearly, I've failed, and I just..I just..."

"You just?"

"I don't know," She sighed and wiped tears off her cheeks she didn't know she had been crying,  "I just...I guess what I want is to fit in somewhere. Everywhere I go, I just seem to mess things up. I ruined the class balance, I messed up everyone's lives because I can't seem to catch Hawkmoth, I messed up my life in Paris, I haven't talked to Chloe in weeks, I'm driving the Wayne family apart, and to top it off I...I...

"I let Adrien die." She whispered that part, so soft that if Jon didn't have super hearing, he wouldn't have heard it. 


"I LET ADRIEN DIE! If I had just s-stayed in-in Paris, then none of th-th-this would have happened. The Wayne's would still be together,"-another crash sounded from downstairs-"Adrien would still be alive, Plagg and Tikki would be talking to me, And I just-I just-I.."


"Jon I ca-I ca-I can't..." She gasped for breath, eyes widening as she failed to get air in.

"Mari you need to breathe!" Jon spun to face her, and, telling himself that it was for the greater good, smacked her across the face. Air left Marinette in a woosh, and, although still crying, her breathing went back to normal. Or at least as normal as it can be whilst sobbing.

"I'm sorry Jon. I'm sorry I told you all of this, and I'm sorry for freaki-"

"You stop that right now Mari! You are single-handedly the most amazing person I have ever met. You didn't 'throw off' your stupid classes balance, your parents and classmates are jerks and they ruined your life, and you should never have been burdened with stopping hawkman in the first place! Paris is lucky to have you protecting them! And as for not reaching out to your friends, you are grieving, and if they can't understand that you need space, then they aren't real friends! I don't understand how you can say these things about yourself.'re wonderful, and I don't know how you can't see that. I saw it. The moment I first met you, when you figured out how to float, and when you laughed at me flying into the Empire State Building. When you told Damian to go away. It was are amazing, and I really like you and I don't understand how anyone could say differently and-" He was cut off from his rant by Marrintte launching herself off the floor and tackling him to the ground.

"Thank you Jon."

Jon hugged her back, taking in the feeling, the way her hair smelled like lemons, and smiled.

"Did you, uh, say you liked me?"

"What! NO," Jon yelped," I, uh....meant in like a platonicy familial way." Marinette gave a small smile as Jon stumbled over his words.

"Shush." Jon stopped as Marinette placed a finger over his mouth, "I think I like you too."

"Oh thank goodness." Marinette gave a quiet laugh as she curled into Jon. He resisted the urge to kiss her, figuring now wasn't the best time, and settled with cuddling her. They would figure out they were and what was going on between them tomorrow. For now, they were content to sleep in each others embrace. 

That was how Dick found them 3 hours later, Marinette asleep with her head on Jons lap, and Jon leaning against her closet wall, also asleep.

He rolled his eyes and handed Alfred five dollars. He knew he shouldn't have bet against the butler.

A/N-Thank you for reading!!! This was what had the most votes, I hope you like it!!!!!! Also can y'all guess what's up with Jason?? Also, the fight scene thing is based of krav maga, in case anyone was wondering

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