Chapter 12: Prayin' to Yesus

Start from the beginning

"Hey, don't lie. I do look sexy today!" I say gesturing to my face.

"You're just jealous that you don't look like me." Janetta replies back with a wink

"Oohhhh!!" Dad cut in as well just to roast me.

This is my family.

I turn my head childishly and look straight at the alter leaving the conversation that I clearly didn't want to be a part of. After a few more minutes and me staring aimlessly at the green altar cloth and the decorations at the front of the altar the choir comes in and takes their place in the far left corner of the Sanctuary. Once they are all settled I check my watch, exactly 9:00. Dylan and another older woman go up to the podium. A young woman came up to the podium on the altar and begins announcements. After she finished the choir begins singing.

The precession comes in with Nick carrying the large heavy cross like it weighted nothing. Ian and another boy followed then genuflected before the altar. Shortly after they arrived Father Brian came in and walked around the Altar to begin the mass.

After a nice presentation of the readings and a very LONG homily from Father, we had communion and finally mass was over. The choir sang its last song with Aaron as lead, the precession lead back out to the commons area. Soon everyone filed out and it was just a few people flew carrying on conversations. Soon Nick and Ian were undressed from their robes and cassocks and the choir had finished we all headed out.

"I thought that was a very good mass." Mom said as we pulled out from the parking lot onto the main road.

"I thought so too." Janetta agreed.

"CLOW was a lot of fun! We got to make a paper heart and color it!" Danny said showing off his heart with a lot of glitter and color surrounding it.

"But mine is better!" Patrick said showing off his as well.

"Boys, it doesn't matter who's is better it matters that Jesus loves you and died on the cross for your sins is what matters." Mom said

"That's right." I confirmed

"Yesus." Nick agreed also quoting Kanye West

That got a round of "Amen"s from us.

"So what are the plans for today?" Kyle asked

"Today is kinda up in the air really. We went to church. We served our obligations. We can do what ever we please." Dad said

"I was think we could go practice." Chris suggested from the phone. Yes, Chris and the rest of the boys in the other are on speaker phone.

"Chris. Enough with the practice. Tryout are in two weeks and we already know your going to get on the team." I said. Yeah it's pretty sad, anyone who can hold a football and makes it to tryouts pretty much makes the team.

"Well how do you know that?" Janetta asks siding with Chris

"Because we have the worst football team in history so it's pretty much, Who can hold a football?" I say and everyone nods along.

"Really... That's it. No wonder you guys were so bad at practice." She says

"Hey! We're not that bad." I say defending ourselves. Even though it was true, we were terrible. The Hickory Hawks haven't won a championship game since 1994.

Ok, so maybe we are pretty bad.
But we have a fighting spirit!!

"So instead of practicing, How about we go on a picnic! It's been weeks since we went and we can so Janetta the...." My mom says than winks at us.

"That sounds like a great idea, babe! Let's do it!" Dad says

"Ok, so we need everyone to help out to get ready for it." Mom says "Janetta, could you help me pack the food?"


Mom continues, "Chris, Brendon, Aaron and Mason help your father in the garage with the 'truck'."

"Ok!" We replied knowing exactly what Mom is talking about.

"What's the 'truck'?" She asks whispering into my ear.

"Sorry, can't tell." I say and she raises an eyebrow at me.

"Well then I guess I'll have to force the secret out." She says determined to find out.

"We'll see." I say and turn my attention back to Mom.

"Evan, Ian, Kyle, Xavier, Nick, and Gavin can you guys pack towels, blankets, sunscreen, toys, and that type of stuff."

"Sure, Mom." They reply

"Alright everyone. Break!" Dad says pulling into the drive way and opening the garage door. He parks the car and Chris hangs up, parking his car as well. After dad parks and turns off the engine we all break off going our separate ways. I go to my room with Janetta following me than going into her room. I change out of my church clothes and hang them properly on the hangers and put them in the closet. I change into a mint green and black Nike shirt and tan shorts. I grabbed my black RayBan sunglasses and put on my shoes before heading downstairs. Downstairs was chaos, Mom and Janetta were rapidly throwing together sandwiches than putting then plastic bags before Nick wrote a name on it and plaited it in the cooler. Gavin, Xavier and Ian were packing up towels and the big picnic blanket into our Sea World mesh bag. Hunter and Luke were in the fridge grabbing drinks for everyone and putting them in another cooler. After Janetta finished with the sandwiches she went to the pantry and pulled out many snacks as humanly possible than put them in yet another bag. Mom put fruit and cheese sticks in the sandwich cooler.


"Yeah." I turn around to see Chris calling me from the garage.

"Come on, you have to help us load know." Chris says

"Oh yeah! I'll be right there!" I call back and walk around the kitchen when Janetta store in my way with a smug look on her face.

"Sure you don't want to tell me." She whispers

"Nope can't tell ya a thing." I whisper back and side step on for Janetta to stop me again.

"Positive about that?" She whispers again

"Double negative." I reply and walk out of the kitchen going into the garage. I go over to the disconnected garage to see Chris, Dad, Aaron and Brendon fueling up the.....

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