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"Taylor Kelly"

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"Taylor Kelly"

⛔️Trigger Warning ⛔️
Chapter Six: Pop Goes the Weasel
4x08:Breaking Point

The 118 were walking up the tarmac there mask secured on their faces, they were called about a possibly emergent situation when they arrive on the call they see a women slouched over.

"Let me get this collar on and then we can assess the..."

" No, she is not the real emergency. Over here!" the guy waves them over as Bobby goes to assess the situation.

" Hen, Chim,  Delia, I need you guys over here now! Eddie, you and Buck deal with the flight attendant."

" He's having trouble breathing. I thought about pulling it out, but.."

" No, you made the right call." Bobby says as the swift crew appears next to the guy.

"Champagne cork?"

" I've seen them take out an eye, but this is in there pretty good."

They get to trying to figure out how to take the cork out without messing up the guys windpipe or trachea. Delia decides to make an executive to pull it out and she grabs the forceps.

"All right. Sir, this might hurt." Chimney says as Delia looks up and nods. She moves the cork slowly out of his throat as Hne covers the area with a few gauze.


Delia and Buck were watching Christopher for Eddie, he was out and about and Delia of course didn't mind, she got to hangout with her favorite Diaz. It was a tough fight but Delia had convinced Christopher to go to bed if she read him two books and that his dad would read him two tomorrow. Eddie walks into the house with a sigh.

"You're late."

" There was construction on Sunset. Had to take a detour. Christopher already in bed?"

" Oh, yeah." Delia appears from behind her husband.

" You're a miracle worker." 
Delia laughs, "it took some finesse because someone here has terrible Negotiation skills." she pats her husband on the back.

"No, I am an  excellent negotiator. See, he was willing to get ready for bed and get in the bed. I was not allowed to turn the lights off or tell him a story."

"Well, probably just as well after you told him that little thing about the kid in the rotisserie."

" That was not a story, it was a cautionary tale." Buck says as Delia just shakes her head with a smile.

"Ah. Well, thanks for watching him." Eddie walks down the hall a bit as Buck grabs he and his wife's coats.

" Uh, how... how... How was the, uh, the big date?"

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