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08: Trapped

People are resilient

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People are resilient. I think we're designed that way. It's embedded in our DNA to forge ahead, and soldier on. It's a whole lot easier to do with an army at your back. But sometimes it feels like we're on our own. It might even feel like the world is conspiring against us at times. A test to see just how much we can take. How do you get out? How do you break the cycle?

Delia was driving the firetruck as they tried to chase after a garbage truck with a man claiming to be trapped inside. They had their sirens on full blast and he still wasn't trying to stop.

" What's this dude's problem?" Hen's voice comes through the headset. She and Chim were following along in the ambulance.

" Seriously? He doesn't hear us?"

" We're gonna have to get in front of him."

Delia moves the engine in front of the Fire truck and everyone piles out.


The garbage truck driver climbs out and they explain how a guy called 911 from inside the compactor.

" We haven't picked any garbage up yet."

"Wait, what?"

"You got the wrong truck, man. She's empty."

"What's going on?" Hen gets out of the ambulance and walks over.

"It's the wrong truck. Um, thank you. Carry on. Y-You're doing a great job."

"Dispatch, this is T-118. We are at Chandler and Allott. We have the wrong garbage truck. Do you have a location for the garbage truck?" they all pile back into their trucks.

"This is 727-L-30. I got eyes on your garbage truck. Corner of Ventura and Stern. Search and Rescue on the way." Athena's voice comes through the radio

"That's, like, two blocks away. Let's go."

Delia drives the engine quickly to the location, piling out and seeing Athena talking with the driver.

" How was I supposed to know he was sleeping in one of the Dumpsters?"

"You're not in any trouble."

"Did you run the compactor?"


" What kind of pressure does it operate under?"

Phoenix  (Evan Buckley) re-writingWhere stories live. Discover now