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"You guys were a mess while I was gone"

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"You guys were a mess while I was gone"

⛔️Trigger warning ⛔️
Chapter Seven: No Pain No Gain
5x13: Fear-O-Phobia

Chim and Maddie had made it back home and after a few days Delia decided to go and Visit Chimney with Hen and then she would run over and Visit Maddie with Buck when she was done. She wasnt feeling up to the part lately after going to another checkup to get another injection the doctor warned her it might not work and be weary of the new side effects, she could barely keep any food down though  she was keeping all these things hidden from Buck and everyone else she didnt want to worry them. She figures Buck needed to have a moment with his sister alone before she showed up which gave her enough time to visit Chimney.

"Welcome home. I have missed you." Chim hugs Hen first before hugging Delia.

"Missed you, too. You want a beer?" he asks as the two nod they step into the apartment.

" Yeah."

"Maddie not around?" Hen asks as Chim opens up three beers he places them infront of each person.

" We broke up. So, we realized somewhere around St. Louis that it was over. All those other times we were apart, it always felt like it was outside forces. Ex-husbands, pandemics. This time, it feels like the call's coming from inside the house."

"It's hard enough trying to keep a relationship together under the same roof. But not speaking to each other for six months?" Delia mutters.

"I already apologized to Buck. Everything is fine with us. I'm ready to get back with the team."

" Mm, yeah. The team's configuration is just a little bit different than when you left."Hen sips her beer as Delia feels her stomach turn.

"Excuse me, I have to pee." she excused herself.

Hen waited til she heard the door closed and looked back at Chim "Buck made out with the new firefighter? And Del doesn't know."


" Wow." Chim mutters as Delia re-enters the room.

"I am assuming she told you. Did she mention the part where Eddie quit."


" Yep." Delia shakes her head.

"You guys totally fell apart without me." Chimney mutters as Delia and Hen laugh.


"Okay, Buck, Lucy? Help them tie off so we can board." Buck and Lucy bump into each other as they are walking down to the boat, Hen and Delia are pulling on gloves, Delia didn't look too hot, her skin was pale, and she had bags under her eyes.

" Uh, sorry. Excuse me."

" How deep was he before he came up?"

"  Over 100 feet. My other diver's still coming up. He's only halfway. Might as well just grab him now."

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