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"Uncle Buck"

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"Uncle Buck"

⛔️Trigger Warning ⛔️
Chapter Seven: Love Doesn't Judge 4x10:Parenthood.

Their call was at a birthday party a mom was pinned to her shed by the springs of the trampoline,

"I was jumping on the trampoline, and a spring flew off."

" And it almost killed me."

" All right, let's see what we got." Everyone goes to inspect.

"Looks like she's pinned to the wall in two places." Delia says as Eddie goes to look at her from the other side of the door.

"Ma'am, don't move. Any movement could cause that spring to shift, and that would not be good."

"Must've been traveling at top speed. Put a hole right through her hand. And her torso." Eddie explains.

" Is she gonna be okay?" the son steps forward.

"Give us some space. We're gonna take real good care of your mom, I promise."

" Can you move your fingers?"

" I think so." The mother begins moving her fingers around.

"Good. Means the spring likely missed the tendon. No nerve damage." Eddie explains as she sighs in relief.

" Oh, thank God. It's my selfie hand."

" Pulse is slightly elevated, but BP's normal. Miraculously, she's stable. Getting bilateral breath sounds."

" Spring likely didn't puncture her lungs, but it's probably millimeters away from her spine. I can pack the wound, but I don't know how to detach her from the barn."

" We don't. Transport her with it, donkey and all. Where's Buck?" Everyone turns to see Buck showing a crowd of kids the saw in his hands. Delia can't help but smile at the sight

"Buck! We need that saw."

" You went really hard-core with this party design." Hen comments.

" It's my job. Literally. I run a mommy blog. I spent months planning this thing, trying to make it perfect, and my kid hates me for it."

" He doesn't hate you. He's just 12. He'll get over it." Bobby explains.

"Feels like no matter what I do, it's wrong."

Phoenix  (Evan Buckley)Where stories live. Discover now