3: Triggers

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3: Triggers.

Delia pulls up the call hopping out  of the truck Immediately

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Delia pulls up the call hopping out of the truck Immediately.

"Everyone, please keep moving to the designated safe area."

"My God, that's the biggest damn fire I've never seen." Chim jokes as Delia laughs.

"I hate fire drills." Hen whines as Delia is moving the crowd away from the building.

"City mandates we do 'em every three years. Can't fight city hall." Eddie begins opening the fire hydrant as Chim and Delia get the hose.

"First alarm was triggered at 12:20. Call came in 30 seconds later. Boots down, hoses out by 12:43"

" That's what?"

" Four minutes over our allotted response time." Bobby explains as Delia winces.

" Ouch, that's gonna cost us some points." Chim says as Delia nods.

" Somebody's gonna have to explain that to the new fire marshal." Everyone turns to look at their captain who sighs looking over at Delia as Everyone else walks away.

"Hey just because I sleep with him doesn't mean he won't reprimand me either sorry dad you're on your own." Delia says as Bobby walks into the building greeting the new fire marshall who just so happened to be her boyfriend.

"If this is a fake fire. Why can't we use a fake hose?" Chim mutters as Delia and Hen just shrug. "Hey, Buck, how we doing?"

" You don't wanna know." He yells as The trio walk off of course not after Buck winks at his girlfriend who laughs. They walk past the stairs only to see a giant group of people fall down the stairs. The members of 118 spring into action assessing the damage.

The cause of the plie up was due to the fact that a man named Alan had a seizure.

"So mister fire marshall sir I have a few questions." Delia twirls her hair around with one finger.

"You are so freaking Beautiful." Buck says as he picks her up, placing her on the hood of his car.

"How's it feel to have so much power?" She asks as he chuckles.

"Mhmmmm How does it feel being the best girlfriend in the world?" He says as Delia feigns hurt clutching her chest.

"Evan Buckley flatter gets you everywhere." she teases kissing him. She always waited by his car.

They had developed a routine since he got this gig and Delia was just happy to have her boyfriend back.

The two engage in a tense makeout session all the way inside of the loft, slamming the door behind them as Buck carries her up the stairs, where they make sweet and lustful love more times than one and pass out for the night.

Phoenix  (Evan Buckley) re-writingWhere stories live. Discover now