Ch. 20: Wedding Plans/Back from the Dead

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A year passes. Now it's October 28, 2005. In just two days, you and Mommy are getting married. She's super excited about it and so are you. Mommy will officially be your wife and you'll be hers as well. You are getting married the day before Halloween like you planned.

What happened recently is that your mom and dad gave their mansion to you and Mommy to live in. She and your dad now live in a fancy condo. So now, you've got the mansion and since you're the next in line to take over your dad's costume company after he retires. And the wedding will be happening in the backyard of your castle mansion like you planned. There's plenty of space and it's currently being set up for the next day.

You and Mommy are at home right now. You're in your guys' room. You ordered your dress online. With Mommy however, the maids had to make her her own custom dress. A longer bottom since she's got long legs. But Mommy's dress is in there with yours and both dresses are elegant. 

You're sitting on your bed as you watch TV. It's a big screen in front of you. Mommy is sitting close to you. She sighs and she smiles, leaning her head against you. You smile and you kiss her on the top of the head. You say, "I love you so much, babe. Just two days, you're my wife." 

She says, "I know. I can't wait. Mommy's so happy." You say, "So am I, Molly. You're going to look good in your dress." She says, "I sure hope so." You say, "Baby. You will." She looks at you. You look at her and you say, "You're beautiful enough as yourself. You'll look elegant, sweetie." She smiles and says, "Awe. What would Mommy do without you, baby?~" 

You both lean in to kiss each other. You stroke her face and she sighs into the kiss. You pull away and you look at her saying, "I'll have our maids prepare our dinner soon. I've given them a break from setting up the wedding decor outside." Mommy says, "I've always dreamed of being married in front of a castle." 

You say, "Well, you will for real, Molly. We do live in a castle mansion. I come from a wealthy family. Biggest home in Cleveland. Trust me babe... this wedding will be magical. We'll have all of our friends. Your mom. My parents. Kissy. Poppy. You name it." 

She smiles at you. You say, "I love you, Molly. I love you so much." She says, "I love you too, (Y/N)." You and Mommy continue watching TV together until you get your maids to prepare dinner and you all eat.


Meanwhile in a laboratory outside of Cleveland, Ohio... there's a surprise woman. It's Melony. She managed to break out of prison with the help of another inmate elsewhere. She's there for a reason. Here's what she did... She found Huggy's dead body in the basement of the laboratory and dragged it to a room with the help of a twisted doctor there.

So now, she's in the lab with Huggy's rotting corpse on the table. His arms are hanging down and so are his legs. There's mostly rotting flesh and bone at the moment since he's been dead for a year after Mommy killed him.

The twisted doctor who goes by Doctor Armand Smithson says, "Alright. I just need to hook up a few cords here and there and attach it to the Huggy corpse. This will be the only thing to bring him back from the dead." Melony smiles and says, "Excellent. You do that, Armand. I'm planning on getting out of there and taking Huggy with me once he's back from the dead. Possibly Hell or purgatory."

Armand starts to set it all up, hooking every buckle, cord, wire, etc. to Huggy's rotting corpse. Melony holds her nose and says, "Phew. The faster we do this, the better. He stinks." Armand says, "Well, he's dead. Or course he'll smell horrid." 

(Sorry to anyone reading this and trying to eat their meal. XD)

Armand says, "There's a heart monitor on this machine, too. The light is red right now, stating that he's still deceased. When it turns green... that's when his heart will start beating and he'll be alive. Watch for the light." Melony says, "Alright. Let's do this." 

Armand walks to a switch. It's a switch with a handle that he'll pull down, much like the typical reviving Frankenstein kind. He grabs the switch. Melony says, "Pull the switch, Armand." Armand pulls the switch down and the machines start. There are zaps, sparks, etc. coming down on Huggy's dead body.

Melony looks at the light. It's still red. She whispers, "Come on... Come on. Turn green, damn you." She looks and watches as some fresh flesh begins to develop on Huggy. His skin or felt or whatever grows back on him. His blue fur comes back. His face is starting to look like it once did.

Melony looks at the red light and it flashes. She clinches her fists. Then... it turns green and she gasp and says, "Yes!" She looks down. Huggy begins to move an arm up. He's got his yellow hands and feet back as well.

Armand grins and he does what anyone does in a movie where they revive the dead. He looks up and yells, "It's alive!!" He laughs. Melony looks down at Huggy. Armand turns the machine off by pulling the lever up. Everything stops. 

Huggy begins to open his eyes. He's back from the dead, but the only difference is, he's got a cybernetic right eye. The left eye is his normal one. He looks around and he sits up. He gasps as he feels something on him. He notices wires and stuff hooked on him. He pulls them off and he looks around. 

He pants and says, "I... I'm... I'm back. I'm alive. B-but how?" He looks over and he sees... Melony. She says, "Hi, Huggy." He suddenly remembers the betrayal and he growls and says, "You!! You left me for dead, yourself!" 

She says, "Huggy. I know I did and I'm sorry. But now you're back." Huggy says, "You better have a good explanation for what you did." Melony sighs and says, "After you were killed and I was sent to prison for kidnapping, I felt lonely." He looks at her and says, "Go on." 

She looks at him and she says, "I brought you back for a reason, big guy." He says, "What? You want to get back at Mommy and (Y/N) or what?" She says, "No. They're not worth my time. I want to get out of town... and bring you with me. I escaped from prison and came here because I knew your body was being kept here." 

He says, "Are you getting to something, Melony?" She says, "I guess what I'm saying... is that I've fallen for you, Huggy." He looks at her. She says, "Come with me and we'll get out of here. We can start a life together. What do you say, huh? I'll make it all up." He says, "You don't say." She smirks. 

Armand says, "Both of you leave as soon as possible. You are both convicts in the city of Cleveland. I suggest you two never come back for your sake." Huggy looks at her and he gets up. He picks her up and she grins and says, "Yes." He says, "Let's get the fuck out of here. Want to be mine? You got it." He heads out of there with Melony.

They head out of the laboratory and they get outside. Huggy has Melony in his arms and he says, "Alright. Let's get out of here. I can walk us as far away as possible while it's still dark. We'll hitch a ride on the top of a highway truck to another place." Melony smiles and says, "I'd like that." She leans in and he does too. They kiss each other and they pull away. Huggy takes off with Melony in the night.

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