Ch. 7: Naughty Long Legs/Finally Confessing

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The next day, you're down in your office. Mommy Long Legs is up in your apartment at the moment. She's probably watching TV or something. But you told her to just stay put for a few hours and she said this, "Awe. But I'll miss your company." 

You said this, "It's only a few hours, Molly. And I'm all the way downstairs. You'll be fine." You said all of that, reassuringly. She smiled and nodded. So, now she's left alone in your apartment until you head back upstairs.

You're in the office and you look to see that the one tenant you told to pay rent did in fact pay it. You're on the computer as you look. You say, "Good. He did pay it. Good for him." You search for more. You say, "So far, I've got decent tenants in my apartment complex. That's good. I know there's always going to be a few not-so-great ones, but that's life." 

You look up at the ceiling and you say, "I hope Molly's doing alright up there. There's plenty of food and stuff for her to watch on TV while I'm down here working. I know she has something to say to me. I get the feeling I know what it is. I'm seeing signs." You get back to work.

Right up in your apartment, Mommy is in the living room. You left your cellphone with her in case you needed to call her. You showed her how to use it since she's never used a cellphone and she died as a human back in 1991. She caught on, though. Besides, there's a cordless phone in your office. Like a V Tech phone.

She's got the TV on and it's playing the show Courage the Cowardly Dog. She giggles at a part and says, "That old lady just whacked her husband in the head with a rolling pin." She laughs. She sighs and she looks towards your bedroom door.

She says, "Hmm... I never did get to go into (Y/N)'s room." She gets up and she crawls her way over with her long limbs. She opens your bedroom door and she makes her way inside. She looks around and says, "Ooh, I like cutie's room."

She looks around and she says, "I wonder what I can find in here

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She looks around and she says, "I wonder what I can find in here." She looks over at your dresser drawer and she says, "Hmm..." She giggles and says, "Well... She's not here, so why not?" She crawls to the dresser drawer.

She opens a top drawer and finds your bras and underwear in there. She blushes and says, "Wow..." She picks up a pair of your pink and black underwear and she says, "I wonder how great she would look in these. I'd have to say hot.~" 

She giggles. She looks through more and pulls out a corset. She says, "Oh my god. What I would give to see her in this. This corset will look so good on you, (Y/N) sweetheart. So good. Like a fantasy to me.~" She grins.

Your phone suddenly rings and she gasp. She hurries out of there, dropping your stuff and she gets in the living room. She grabs your phone from the couch and she flips it open. She presses the talk button and puts the phone up to herself saying, "H-hello?" 

She hears you from the other line saying, "Hey, Molly. It's (Y/N). How are you?" "Good. Very good... You?" "I'm good. Are you alright? You sound like you ran a mile." "Y-yeah. I'm fine. Thanks for asking." "I'm coming up there sooner than I thought. I realize my work is done and there's nothing more that I need to do, today." "Okay. See you up here." "Alright. I'll order Chinese food. How about it?" "That sounds great." "Alright. Be right up, Molly." "See you up here bab- ahem. (Y/N)." "What was that Molly?" 

She hangs up by pressing the end call button and she says, "Crap. She almost heard that. Oh god." She blushes from embarrassment and then she remembered. Your dresser drawer. She gasps. She says, "Shit. Her stuff!" 

She quickly crawls back in there and she hurryingly picks your stuff up. She shoves them in your drawer and closes it. She leaves you room and she shuts the door. She sits back on the couch and watches TV as if nothing happened. She sighs.

The door opens and you come in. You look over and you see Mommy sitting on the couch watching TV. You say, "Hey. I'm back." She looks over and she says, "Hi, (Y/N). Welcome home... Despite you being just downstairs. Still. You're home." She smiles.

You say, "Molly. After I order some Chinese food and we eat it, I want you to talk to me about something. I let it go for last night, but now I'm convinced you're hiding something." She gulps and looks at you.

You say, "You have my phone?" She picks up your cellphone and hands it to you saying, "Here you go." You take it and you say, "Thanks. I'm calling them right now and we'll have it here." She smiles and says, "Okay." You walk into your room and you call the place. You tell them what you want and to send it to you. 

You hang up after that and you suddenly notice something off. You look over at your dresser drawer and you see a bra strap hanging out. You walk over and you open it. You notice how scattered they look as if they'd been shoved in there and unfolded. 

And you did have them folded. You always fold your clothes. Then it dawns on you and you smirk and say, "Ah huh... Miss. Long Legs decided to snoop around in my underwear drawer, I see. Yeah. I'm definitely convinced now. I'm having quite a talk with her after we eat." You walk out of there.


Moments later after eating Chinese food and sitting on the couch watching TV, you turn to Mommy and you say, "Molly." She turns to you and she says, "Yes, (Y/N)?" You say, "I'm convinced now. Is there something you feel?" She says, "W-what do you mean?" You say, "Molly. No more hiding it. I saw my drawers shoved in there. I fold my stuff. I need you to confess." 

She finally gives in and she sighs and says, "Can you blame me?" You look at her. She says, "(Y/N). You're the prettiest thing I've ever seen walk into that factory. I couldn't bare to attack you when I saw you." You say, "Go on." 

She says, "I've fallen madly in love with you. I just didn't know how to tell you. Despite me being this giant deranged long-legged... and armed doll and you being a human female... I still felt something for you, (Y/N). So much more than just a friend thing. And you welcomed me into your home. Nobody ever does that so willingly. Others run at the sight of me, but you didn't. YOU didn't. You accepted me." 

You're in awe after hearing this. You say, "Oh wow. M-Molly. I... My god, I... I wish you would've just said so." She looks at you. You say, "You were my favorite toy growing up, Mommy Long Legs. I knew there was a connection. Besides... it's because of you that I knew I liked girls." 

She gasps and she puts her hand over her mouth, blushing. She says, "R-really?" You say, "Yes." She puts her hands down. You say, "Molly... I'll keep you company later. How about it?" She looks at you and she smiles. You smile back at her. That's when you also realized it... You feel the same for her.

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