Nothings Gonna Change

Start from the beginning

"Good girl." She said then slacks back herself again trying to take a nap.

"Really? You're not that clingy it's not your thing! You're strange now. Are you Jung Wheein's clone? The Wheein I knew is-" I got shush when I felt a warm soft lips kiss the back of my hand  and mumble.

"Shut up. It's me." She softly said and hold it tightly.

With my flustered self that's being confused with all this strange events between us here in this small space. I want to explode but I can't, for the sake of everyone's sleeping and their privacy.

Why she's being like this? Why she's acting like this? What's happening to her? It's so strange!

I stared at our tangled hands. How she fits perfectly in my hands. Those cute colored tattoos. Her painted nails. I thought she's asleep. She's staring at me at the same time. When I glance at her face under her cap our stares lingers as if conveying those unspoken words we both want to express but choose to be silent.

"You're staring at our hands for too long. It might get stick together, it's your fault if you can't take it back."

"I just can't help but to feel strange."

"I'm not a stranger, I'm your... I'm your b-bestfriend." Wheein also felt unsure of the word if it still fits with us.
I choose to stayed silent. Without a tense conversation we will be okay rather to express hard ourselves.  Wheein never bother to speak again but still hold my hands till we arrive at our destination. We're back to being casual again.

After checking in the hotel and practice on the venue for the latter day performance. We both ended up sharing a couples room. I can't understand the staff who organized this. I keep asking to give us two bed. Atleast, if they don't want us to give separated room as what the Unnie's having cause they preferred to be in one bed but not like me or us. I don't know about Wheein's opinion about the room setup but I just hate the idea to be  this edgy all the time with her.

I glance around and disappointed to see a lovers couch. I can't even stretch my feet if I take the couch. It never acoured to me that Wheein is watching my silent berating at myself.

"The bed is huge enough to give us space. Don't worry I won't cross the line."

I stared at her strangely following her movements till she gets inside the bathroom to change.

I went to the balcony to take a deep breath and ease the tension storming inside my head. I preferred if Wheein doesn't act or behave like this, I much prefer if she's distant and indifferent with me not like this cause, hell! The moment I gaze on the bedroom. My mind gets trashed imagining us together over that soft and huge bed under covers feeling each other warm bodies.

I rigidly brush my fingers on my locks and sighed. Afterwards, I shakes my head to brush away the unwanted thoughts. I turn around to get back inside but greeted with her intense stared. I lower my gaze to avoid her and went to my luggage to get wash and get change.

I took an hour before I went out. Hoping she's already asleep. It was 9 pm but the sun is still up outside. I saw her closing the window and the curtains.

"Are you hungry?" She asked.

I shakes my head in response. I don't know, if it was the absence of food or the tension between us makes my stomach churns. But I'm not feel like eating. I want to this moment to end and Goodluck to me cause it was two days I have to be close to her in a foreign country where I'm not familiar with food. I only take sandwiches and juices. I don't want to have upset stomach to double the tension I'm having right now.

I lay on the edge of the king size bed trying to be settled and relax. I turned my back at her agitated to have conversation with her again this close over this fluffy couple bed with the faint light on the lampshade and the romantic ambiance of the room adding uneasiness on me.

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