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I Don't Know What These Are But Have Fun Reading Them Lol.

❖ Zack, Zoe, and Daniel can never sit properly on a chair. One of them has a leg up, the other is sitting sideways, and one needs to be in a criss cross applesauce position.

❖ Vasco and Zack let's [M.Name] put makeup on their faces whenever he's bored or if he needs someone to test a specific type of makeup.

❖ In private messages with [M.Name], Johan likes to type his messages as if it's a Fall Out Boy song. It drives the other mad and blocks him at least nine times a week.

❖ Jake, Samuel, Hudson, and Goo once nearly fought each other because of monopoly when they went to [M.Name]'s new house for like— some type of housewarming party.

❖ Zoe has this very common among siblings tendency to smack the living shit out of [M.Name] for no reason. She would come up to him at random times of the day and hit him on the arm then proceed to what she was doing after that.

❖ [M.Name] once insulted Channing by saying— "For someone who is clearly lacking in docosahexaenoic acid and proper skin care, I don't think your opinions have much validity."

❖ Not a single day would pass without Johan trying to do something stupid with the flowers in [M.Name]'s garden, he once found the brunet trying to cut the sampaguita he took three years to grow and threatened to bury him in the same garden.

❖ Eugene secretly takes candid photos of his closest employees (not emotionally, just generally close by work) and sends it to [M.Name] through private messages.

❖ [M.Name], Zoe, Yui, and Mary are very terrifying trashtalkers. Vin Jin once watched them play a game together and out of nowhere they began screeching the most vile, wound-opening, fear provoking insults to exist.

❖ Jerry used to call [M.Name] 'Flower Prince' because of the very floral dress shirt he wore when they first met.

❖ Johan and Zack has a fursona.

❖ Samuel heavily dislikes it when people suddenly grab or hold his arm without his consent, he tends to retract it harshly and glare at them.

❖ When Warren first met [M.Name]'s father, his first thought was how incredibly similar they looked— with the exemption of a few wrinkles and greying hair. He thought he was a carbon copy of him but was surprised when [M.Name] called him father.

❖ Warren still can't get over the fact that [M.Name]'s father looks incredibly young for someone who's 37 years old. He doesn't deny that he thinks he's very handsome.

❖ Everybody agrees with Warren.

❖ Goo loves this specific brand of gummy bears. He once fought with a whole ass child just for a simple bag of gummy bears.

❖ Mandeok still visits [M.Name]'s stepmom because of how good her fruit salad is. Both Eugene and [M.Name] doesn't know this and he plans to keep it that way.

❖ Duke and [M.Name] collaborated for a song before titled 'Lavender Fields' and now has 209 million views on NewTube.

❖ Crystal buys Elmer's glue, just that one specific glue, and puts it in [M.Name]'s drink.

❖ Contrary to popular belief amongst the J High students, Yui doesn't listen to popular pop songs nor follows popular pop artists. She usually listens to Mother Mother and Jazmin Bean— which was introduced to her by [M.Name] because she kept complaining about not having good music taste.

❖ Nearly every 'popular' (which means Daniel, Jay, Eli, etc.) student that is close to [M.Name] has a playlist in their Spotify that was specifically made by the man himself because he's either bored or he thinks this specific song or artist suits them.

❖ With that being said, Zack has Oh No! by MARINA played the most times on his Spotify because of him, while Eli on the other hand has two playlists made by [M.Name]. One for him and one for Yenna.

❖ Speaking of Yenna, she once bit Warren so hard, he came crying to Sally.

❖ Eugene does not like babies and toddlers— children in general. Although he still accepts the light tasks [M.Name] makes him do whenever Yenna or his niece is with them.

❖ Mandeok can't stomach spicy food properly and had cried very hard when [M.Name]'s stepmom fed him her infamous Life-threatening Chicken.

❖ Jake is lactose intolerant.

❖ Yui has eleven Kirbies (yes, those Satanic stuffed toys) all from [M.Name].

❖ Everyone thinks [M.Name] would go over the top for Pride Month like dressing in all rainbows, having a shit ton of glittery things, but they were surprised to actually not see him on the first day of June.

❖ It was because he's in another country going to a parade with his father.

❖ Fashion department students and Beauty department students normally make [M.Name] as their model.

❖ Johan has a habit of biting his nails to the point that it would chip off and bleed.

❖ Whenever extremely stressed— even though it's very rare— Eugene would tap his pen in Morse code saying 'I am in control.' it normally works but there are times where he actually needs something to fidget with.

❖ Vasco holds the record title in the whole J High for eating the most dumplings when [M.Name] took them out to eat at a buffet. Needless to say, he had stomachache after.

❖ Next to that amazing title is Eli eating the most spicy crab out of all of them.

❖ Daniel ate the most pork and chicken, Zack was competitive so he ate the most beef.

❖ Again, contrary to popular belief, it was not Jace who had eaten the most calamares, but it was Yui.

❖ Sally doesn't like spaghetti.

❖ Goo can twerk.

❖ Gun can twerk too but believes it is ridiculous to admit it.

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