Slave Auction

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NEVER IN HIS entire life had [M.Name] thought that he would be participating in an event that involved being bought like a fucking furniture. But alas, there was no one else who was qualified enough to be part of the slave auction in the Computer Department aside from him.

So they all ganged up on him at lunch last week to make him participate. It took an imense amount of effort for the platinum headed teen to comply, and yes, he had dyed his hair before neon green.

Those efforts were composed of bribing him with food, money, a date with whoever they can kidnap, candy, and getting a cat for him. Yes, it took a lot. And that is why seeing him dressed in expensive clothing at the front gates had made an uproar that not even Daniel could cause. The whole computer department literally gathered around him and let him make his way towards the stage.

Fortunately, he wasn't all too late, it was just about 10 minutes before the event would start, a fashion show was held first. Once the show was done, [M.Name] stood stiffly at the end of the stage, just behind Daniel.

Beom Kim from the practical music department was sold only for 65 dollars, it was quite hilarious. Next was a baking department student named Ho Jeong, sold for 80 dollars. [M.Name] didn't expect him to be bought higher than the so-called model who went first.

Next was the beauty department with Eli Jang, the whole class had gathered their money to buy him. And that is what we all would call cooperation. Euntae Lee or Vasco was up next from the architecture department, seeing as no one was about to buy him due to his intense aura, [M.Name] signalled for someone in his department to buy him. Fortunately, someone bought him for 250 dollars, it wasn't much but at least he was saved from the humiliation.

Following was Yoo Na from vocal and dance department who was bought for 50 cents. At least he was bought. Afterwards, it was Daniel's turn. It was quite obvious how nervous he was and it didn't help that he was being auctioned like a fucking painting.

Of course, [M.Name] being nervous as well, had missed the part where Lala Kim or whatever had competed against Crystal Choi in buying Daniel. He was successfully bought by the latter for 5000 dollars, which was quite a relief since Lala might have done something to Daniel.

Anyways, it was [M.Name]'s turn. Unfortunately, since Lala failed in buying Daniel, she had opted to buy him instead. The silver haired male prayed to whatever God out there to fucking not be sold to Lala Kim out of all people. It doesn't matter if it isn't Zoe or Mira, just not her, please.

Raising a hand up again, Crystal declared 10,000 dollars to buy him. She was about to leave when she had spotted [M.Name] up on stage after Daniel. Not that she was close to him or anything but her father was this man's- ahem- sugar daddy.

He was thankful that he had acquainted himself with Crystal, it's as if the world was saying he's not gonna be bought by Lala. Which is, in fact, true.

Another hand was raised and it belonged to none other than Zoe, a determined look on her face, Jay, Zack, and Mira standing just behind her. 50,000 dollars had been set upon [M.Name], this made his heart nearly fall out his ass but let's face it, he'd rather be bought for this silly little auction than go to his work and do his paperwork. It was less stressful and more exciting.

"200,000!" Crystal was yet to back down, shouting a large amount of money causing the whole crowd to gape at her, most of the girls ogling at her in envy while boys swooned just hearing her voice.

And out of impulse, Zack had yelled in desperate attempt in saving [M.Name] from the ladies. "500,000!"

Now it was his turn to be gaped at. It wasn't because he was a guy and planned on buying him, no no, they thought Mira had forced him to yell, it was because the Zack Lee, bought [M.Name] [L.Name] for an extremely high amount of money.

"Alright! [M.Name] from the computer department sold for 500,000 dollars to... Z-Zack Lee!"

Mhm, yes. Fresh embarrassment. What a lovely feeling for both guys right now. Although he was thankful that he was bought for a high price, it was still weird that Zack was the one to yell and not Mira, which means he technically has a date with him. Not that he minds, he's just not that close to the said male.

Now, all the two of them have to worry about is the date.

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