[M.Name]'s Heart

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Disclaimer : On this chapter, [M.Name] will be talking about his pent up emotions and thoughts about the characters, a very sensitive topic at hand. Please proceed with caution as there are some triggers.

╰☆☆ 𖦹 ☆☆╮

[M.Name], what do you think of them, a very genuine question?

Daniel - "Honestly, when he approached me that day in the cafeteria when Zoe wasn't at school at that time, I thought he'd be like most of them, only seeing me as someone who they can use for personal gains. I'm not exactly a pushover but most of the time the guilt in me knowing I couldn't help someone overrides the feeling of being used. So yeah... I was wary when I met him, but his smile had something in them. Believe it or not it felt like I was seeing my own smile in his, it felt both weird and nostalgic. He's also not one to give up easily, much like Zoe. And I like that about him. He's... a special one."

Zack - "It's true that we had a bad start, actually, it was a terrible beginning. I blame myself for that because... instead of accepting his help, I kinda just drove him away. I regret it. Zack...always kinda made me feel special, you know? A different kind of special. He punched me in the face a year ago because he wanted me to change. And I did. It felt like something in me realized that being such an ass to the people who truly loves me isn't the solution. As much as I was hurting, they were hurting too. Thank you, Zack."

Jay - "I think we all know Jay's a silent person, honestly, the only time I've ever heard his voice was when I cried to him and he whispered to me. I cherish that memory actually, the way he tried his best to comfort me, hug me, whisper something to me, my heart cracks every time. Although it's not evident, I love being with him, he helps me in a way even I can't decipher. Jay is just as a mystery as I am, maybe even more. But that's because he's Jay. A sweet, charming, loveable, helpful, sincere idiot. He was the first person who ever made me laugh aside from Zoe. Jay deserves everything in the world but I don't think I can give it to him in return of all the things he has done for me. I just hope my love is enough."

Mira - "She. That's it." ... "I'm just kidding. Honestly, Mira is a literal miracle, the fact that she's childhood friends with Johan and Zack still baffles me. But then again, Zoe and I are also a strange case. Isn't it strange though? How she put up with my shit behaviour for two months yet still managed to willingly start over and create a new friendship? She... reminds me so much of my mother. I don't even know how I kept up with my shitty behaviour myself, she's too forgiving towards me. I hate myself for being such a little bitch to her, I hate how I acted, I just... I just see so much of my mother in her. Mira... I love you, I'm still sorry I was an asshole to you before."

Zoe - "Oh, God. Heh. I didn't think she'd actually be next to Mira. I'm still crying from Mira's part and now you're next? Fine, might as well speak my heart. Zoe Park is the light of my life, the sun to my moon, the left to my right, the day to my night, the rainbow to my storm, I could literally go on and on but you get the gist of it, right? Without Zoe, I'd probably wouldn't be here right now. She made me feel things I couldn't, bringing out the best in me every time, staying even in my darkest times. If only I could go back in time, then I'd always come back to the day I met her, she was glowing, an angel sent my whatever God out there existed. For me... just in my head, alright, I don't think I have enough courage to say this to her face to face... she's worth sacrificing everything for. She is worth more than I ever possibly were. She's the first reason why I came back and I wouldn't have it any other way."

Joy - "We're not exactly close, you know. Our relationship is somewhere between 'my brother's classmate that visits his house every week but don't talk to' and 'older brother figure that is more aloof than I actually thought he was'. Truth be told, she actually is kind of like a little sister to me, playful, teasing, a bit hyper. It's cute."

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