Academics [Jay]

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THERE WAS NOTHING better in this world than seeing a triumphant smile and a wild glint on [M.Name]. To Jay Hong at least.

Seeing the male smile was quite a rare sight to see, that was why he cherished it everytime he could, memorizing how magnificent and charming he looked as a wide toothy grin spread across his lips, the way he would excitedly hop to him and shove his test papers to his face.

Although it wasn't always like that, Jay loved how carefree he could be whenever he was with him, free to express his emotions without a thought in the world.

"No, Jay. The answer to number one isn't b, you're supposed to multiply it, not subtract."

Jay loved it whenever [M.Name] would scold him if ever he got something wrong on the book they were answering, he got it for the both of them, hoping the male would spend more time with him even if it meant it was only for academic reasons.

"You must be using the wrong formula then, the answer is b." he persisted, resisting the smile that threatened to creep at his lips.

Seeing the incredulous look on the other's face, Jay couldn't help but release a soundless chuckle, brushing his fingers lightly through [M.Name]'s incredibly soft locks.

He wondered what type of conditioner he used with just how cotton-like it felt, he twirled a piece of it and smiled, catching a glimpse of red in the tips of [M.Name]'s ears.

"No, no. Even if we go to different departments, we have the same math teacher, you know." he huffed, grabbing another sheet of paper and began scribbling numbers on it, his brows furrowed in concentration before pulling Jay closer by his chair.

"First, you start with finding the. . ."

Jay was too enthralled at the close proximity of the male to him, their elbows and thighs touching yet it felt as if [M.Name] was still so far away.

Nonetheless, he did his best to reach him. Oh, how beautiful did [M.Name] look to him, not even the fairest model could compare to him, his beauty will forever be unmatched for him.

Everything about him screamed perfection to Jay, with what [M.Name] thought were flaws would be considered a work of art to the latter.

As [M.Name] continued to explain the equation, Jay was fixated at the way his lips moved, plump and pink. Earlier today, he found the male putting on a thin amount of lipgloss in his classroom, his classmates ogling at the attractive teen.

He wondered what it would be like to kiss him. Was he sweet just as how he imagined? Surely, through his thick blond bangs, [M.Name] wouldn't notice him longingly staring at his lips.

". . . and then you can multiply the numbers in the parenthesis. Do you get it now, Jay? Uhh- Jay?"

Snapping out of his enamored trance, the aforementioned male smiled and nodded twice, grabbing a pen and replacing his answer on the book.

Over the past few days of studying with [M.Name], he noticed just how focused he could be on multiple subjects yet never falter, books overlapping against each other as he read each one with such an intense gaze, he was sure it could bore holes in it.

It perplexed on just how the male prioritized his studies on top of being a professional hacker and a gang leader. Things like that require great amounts of skill and time management yet he would always catch the male sleeping in his class, his fellow students too afraid to wake him up.

[M.Name] [L.Name] was still very much an enigma to him and everyone else, but unlike them, he had an advantage.

And that was having seen the blissful side of [M.Name] that could only be seen through academic achievements.

A grin made its way to [M.Name]'s lips as he finished answering the last question on the book, closing it with a soft thud and turning to Jay, the smile on his face never leaving.

Jay had seen that smile before, it was one of genuine euphoria that the male would only show when he was certain of his knowledge, one that Jay was so desperate to see today.

He knew just how much of a genius [M.Name] was, the bespectacled teen was far more capable then most students in the school combined, not even he could be on par with such an intelligent being like him.

It was one of the things he loves about him, not only was he beautiful but he was was incredibly competent and smart, a trait that slightly intimidated yet aroused him.

Such lethal combinations could definitely be his demise.

Turning in his seat to face the window of the local library, golden rays of the afternoon sun gently kissed his skin, shining magically at just the right angles.

The stunning scenery had nearly blinded the others in the room, choosing to stare at the unknowing male that continued to stare out the window instead of going back to their works. Noticing the ogling of the locals, Jay instinctively wrapped his jacket around him, wordlessly resuming on answering the textbook.

Most of the people had gotten the gist of what Jay intended to do, already back to doing their own things yet some continued eyeing the [h/c] haired teen, going as far to even trying to capture a picture of him.

In all honesty, [M.Name] had always been aware whenever someone was staring at him, the people in the library were no exception, yet he remained seated and ignored the eyes gawking at him.

Pulling the jacket closer to his body, a soft sigh escaped his lips as he absentmindedly leaned against Jay, sliding the book in his direction and opening it on the page he was answering in.

The feeling of having him lean against his side was enough to erupt butterflies in his stomach, the slightest tint of red coating his cheeks as he grabbed the book silently.

A small note taped at the bottom of the page caught his attention, the handwriting familiar.

You better be number 1 this semester. I'll treat you to a restaurant if you don't let Daniel surpass you.

-- KingBee

How cute of him to leave a note even though they were just beside each other.

'I guess I really am in love.' Jay smiled to himself, folding the paper neatly and putting it in his pencil case.

Never had he thought that he would be in an academically romantic situation before and now he has.

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