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An: hello my loves!

Sorry for being super inactive lately, I haven't been feeling very motivated <33

Enjoy <33


The sun's morning rays flickered through the curtains, illuminating the room

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The sun's morning rays flickered through the curtains, illuminating the room. I looked to my side awkwardly to see Mara's head tucked into the crook of my neck, one arm stretched across my chest, effectively holding me captive until she woke up.

I smiled gently. As of lately we had been finally giving into our feelings, I certainly have anyway.

I'm thankful for how things turned out. Even if we were forced into our marriage, real feelings had bloomed from that contract.

Her shifting around pulled me back from my train of thought. Her brown eyes fluttered open gently as she looked up at me.

"Good morning dickface." She said while yawning.

"Good morning amore. How did you sleep?" I was becoming rather used to her foul language at this stage.

"Mmmm, like a baby." She grumbled, burying her head back into my neck and sighing. I gently kissed her on the top of her head and I saw a flicker of a grin on her lips.

"I need you in my office in ten minutes, is that ok?" I asked.

She groaned. "Fine."

I removed her arm from my chest and rolled out of our bed. I quickly got changed into black trousers, a white dress shirt and a black jacket. I saw Mara peeking at me with one eye open. When she noticed I had caught her, she blushed and buried her head into my pillow and gave me the bird.

I chuckled and left the room.


I sat in my chair in my office, Mario and Giovanni seated in front of me and a group of about 5 of my most trusted men squashing each other on the couch. I heard the padding of feet before Mara pushed the door open, a sullen expression on her face.

One thing I had learned about my wife that she was certainly not a morning person. An atomic bomb could go off and she still would not get out of bed to investigate. I was rather surprised when she showed up to my office only twenty minutes late.

I think that's the quickest she has ever gotten out of bed.

Her hair had been wrapped into a very messy bun that had strands of hair hanging out wildly. She was still in her pyjamas which consisted of a tank top and shorts as she deemed me warm enough to keep her at a comfortable temperature during the night.

She walked around my desk and sat herself in my lap sideways. "Morning boys. Jesus fuck it's cold in here." She grumbled, wrapping her arms around her middle.

I shifted her awkwardly and took of my jacket, wrapping it around her shoulders. It engulfed her frame as if she was a small child playing dress up.

She put her arms through it and leaned back against me. I looked towards Giovanni and saw him smiling under his hand.

"I asked you all here because the Russian's are causing trouble. Last week, a container of weapons that was being shipped to America was intercepted and the weapons were stolen. That was a bullet proof operation so that means somebody in my fucking mafia is working for those Russians, giving them information about when our shipments are being sent out."

I felt Mara stiffen on top of me.

Nobody likes a rat.

"And I know this was not a coincidence because those Russians knew the in's and out's of that deal. They knew where to intercept the container while it was at the port and where each of my men were going to be stationed. We lost men, good men who dedicated their lives to my mafia and my famiglia and I won't let them die without revenge towards the person who made them loose their lives."

"Luckily I placed a tracker inside the container just in case something went wrong so I have a location. It's a warehouse in the countryside about two hours away. We will be shooting the place up, killing them fuckers and then taking back what's ours."

"Woo, go team." Mara mumbled as she yawned.

"Giovanni, Mara and I will head inside. Mario you lead the boys around the perimeter and kill of any who try to escape before coming inside. Once we have the container out we will blow that place to pieces."

The boys cheered in anticipation an then I dismissed them all.

I shifted Mara so she was no longer sitting sideways across my lap and she was now facing me.

"You know, you're kinda hot when you are in mafia boss mode, you know that?" She grinned at me.

I raised an eyebrow. "Am I now?"


"Let's get you breakfast before you get hangry."

I lifted her off my lap and we walked towards the kitchen. Most of the boys had been sent out to scout the warehouse in preparation so we could know the exact way to get in and out as quickly as possible, so the house was rather quiet.

Bella was sitting at the table, munching on some toast as we entered.

"Good morning lovebirds, nice of you to show up." She grinned.

Mara sauntered over to the table and took a bite out of my sister's toast.

"Oi, your wife is stealing my food again. I'm calling the police."

Mara snorted. "Girl you would probably be arrested for tax evasion."


"What would you like?" I asked her as I sifted through the cabinets for a saucepan trying to distract them from their bickering.

"I'm in the mood for some French toast, considering you woke me up at an ungodly hour of the morning."

I checked my watch. "It's 11am."

She shrugged. "My point exactly. Now start cooking bitch."


An: thanks for reading <33

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Total word count: 1232

Total word count: 1232

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