-Hyenas on weed.

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An: I have returned hoes

My story is going to be very tragic and sad and emotional and I CANT wait to reveal all the plot twists I have planned.

My poor babe Mara, she's in for a wild ride...


Also, some days I wake up and then remember I'm writing a book and I'm like 🧍‍♀️

Enjoy <3.


My legs swung back and forth lazily on the swing, the breeze carrying my weight as I glided back and forth gently. The sun glared down, darting between the canopy of trees in the garden, illuminating the the grass.

It was the beginning of Autumn. Summer began to fade into a distant memory, the array of fall colours making up for the loss. Leaves of different shapes, colours and sizes littered the ground. Wildflowers hung limply to the side, withered but familiar.

I scrolled though my phone aimlessly, yearning for something to do. Truth be told, I was hiding from Bella and her crazy antics about having a big, extravagant wedding. I did consider it temporarily, the only beneficial factor being that I could attempt to put a dent in Leonardo's wallet.

She had booked an appointment for tomorrow at the bridal shop. I had lied and said my stomach was still hurting since it had only been 5 days since the attack and I didn't feel like getting dressed up like a doll.

I was awfully tempted to show up wearing a white suit but I think my father would have a meltdown for 'breaking tradition'. My dress was supposed to resemble purity and innocence.

We all knew I was far from that.

Speaking of fathers, I hadn't seen much of Leonardo's father. I tended to plan my times around the house, careful to not collide his day with mine. He gave me the creeps. I was always on edge whenever I was near him. He would cast not very subtle glances, raking up and down my body, his wrinkly face smirking mischievously.

I could occasionally hear him yelling at Leonardo followed by the crashing of objects. His obnoxious voiced traveled down the halls, intent on slipping under my doorway and causing a racket when I was trying to sleep.

I relished the times where he was far from the house, a peaceful calm emerged whenever he wasn't present.

I opened my messages to check the group chat with my brothers.

The boyz 🥶🥶💪💪

Me: do you know the weddings has been pushed forward?

Man boobs: yea father told us.

Santa 🎅: Mara did you steal my charger when you left... 🧍‍♀️

Me: sorry Santi you're just gonna have to buy a new one 🦤

Santa 🎅 : HOW DARE YOU

Milo: do you have a dress?

Me: I'm supposed to go shopping tomorrow 😭😭SOS

Man boobs: you will look beautiful, hermana. (Sister)

Me: FANKS LUCAS 💗❤️‍🩹❤️‍🔥💛💓🤍💖❤️💗💛❤️‍🔥

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