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Omg I updated literally yesterday and here's a new chapter today #girlboss

I also used a different translator this time so please have mercy on me if it has butchered the whole thing 🙏🙏

Enjoy <33


I could feel Mara tense as soon as she saw Mamma

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I could feel Mara tense as soon as she saw Mamma. She always looked sickest to new people but after a while you got used to it.


"What happened to her?" She questioned quietly, trying not to wake her sleeping form.

I shifted on my feet. "She has stage four breast cancer and has for some time. Our family kept it quiet because we can't trust other mafias and we couldn't trust you for a little while, just in case there was a little scheme your father had orchestrated that we didn't know about."

She hummed in response.

"That's why the door is locked. Only the trusted doctors and my immediate family and you now I guess can see my mamma. I couldn't bear if she got hurt because I wasn't careful enough with her safety." I added.

I could see her stir in the bed, her fragile frame fighting the border of consciousness.

"Leo? Sei tu?" Her gentle voice said. ("Is that you?")

"Si Mamma, ho portato mia moglie a trovarti, la ragazza spagnola di cui ti parlavo?" I responded. ("Yes mamma, I brought my wife with me, the Spanish girl I was telling you about.")

"Lascia che la guardi." ("Let me look at her.") At this point she had opened her eyes and motioned for us to move closer.

I moved to the right hand side of her bed and sat down in the chair and Mara stood on the left hand side beside my Mamma.

"Oh guarda Leo, una ragazza così carina, no? Ti conviene badare a lei o ti inseguirò, giovanotto." ("Oh look Leo, such a pretty girl, no? You better look after her or I will chase you down, young man.") She began to rant in our native language as she started at Mara longingly.

She opened her arms to invite Mara into a hug and she gladly accepted. I was slightly on edge due to the fact that nobody new had been near my Mamma for so long. Partially due to the fact that she hates new people but she is surprisingly welcome to Mara and partially that I won't let anybody near her.

"È un piacere conoscerla signora Moretti. Le auguro la migliore guarigione." Mara responded in perfect Italian and I nearly choked on my saliva. ("It is a pleasure to meet you Mrs Moretti. I wish you the best recovery."

"Per favore, chiamami Bianca o mamma, come vuoi tu, tesoro". She smiled fondly at her. (Please, call me Bianca or mum, whatever you want darling.)

"Sai parlare italiano? E non me l'hai mai detto?!" I suddenly asked. ("You can speak Italian? And you never told me?!"

"Non ne ho mai sentito il bisogno." She replied monotonously while shrugging her shoulders. ("Never felt the need to.")

"Mio figlio si è preso cura di te come si deve?" She questioned her, looking at me suspiciously. ("Has my son been taking care of you properly?")

"Ruba tutte le coperte, ma a parte questo non è troppo male". She replied. ("He steals all the blankets but apart from that he's not too bad.")

Mamma gasped as if she had hear the most exciting news.

"Hai fatto il tango dei diavoli?! Diventerò una nonna? Pensavo che questo giorno non sarebbe mai arrivato!" (You did the devils tango?! Am I going to be a grandma? I thought the day would never come!")

Mara started coughing like something was violently caught in her throat.

"No mamma, non abbiamo fatto... quello! Tu sei pazzo!" I replied quickly. Mamma was wriggling her eyebrows with a grin plastered on her face. I hadn't seen her so animated, so...alive for a long while and maybe it was down to Mara. ("No mum, we didn't do...that! You are crazy!")

"Tu mi rovini il divertimento". She huffed. (You ruin my fun.)

"È stato bello conoscerti Bianca ma devo andare a salutare i miei fratelli prima che partano per il loro aereo di ritorno in Spagna". Mara said. ("It was lovely meeting you Bianca but I must go to say goodbye to my brothers before they leave for their plane back to Spain.")

"Abbi cura di te, tesoro, spero di rivederti presto, sì?" Mamma smiled gently at Mara and pulled her into a hug before give her a kiss on her cheek. ("Take care darling, I hope to see you again soon, yes?")

"Sicuramente." She replied and began walking towards the door but not before sneaking me the middle finger for no reason. ("Definitely."


AN: #biancaforpresident2024

Ok this chapter is quite short because I posted one yesterday and wrote this today but I wanted you guys to get to know Bianca my #bae

Word count: 837

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