Taste Of Her Own Medicine

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"Now try it." She instructed Rosé as she crossed her arms, looking intently at Rosé's body as she started to do the moves. Seeing y/n's eyes on her body made her mind wander back to last night's conversation with Jennie. She knew that y/n looking at her body wasn't sexual because it was for work, but she couldn't help but think.

But the thinking caused her to mess up.

"No, you fucked up this part." Y/n said, cutting her off from continuing dancing. Y/n did the moves correctly and then motioned for Rosé to repeat them. She was able to do it fine now without her mind being in a different place.

"Better," y/n glanced into Rosé's eyes, "it was like your mind was somewhere else, focus."

"Oh her mind was definitely somewhere else." Destiny said with a smirk as Cupid also had a sly smile. The two gods listened to the conversation last night between Jennie and Roseanne and they couldn't agree more with Jennie.

They too have noticed something swirling around the soulmates whenever they were close to one another. The bathroom was a prime example because when y/n pressed her finger against Roseanne's chest, her heartbeat was through the roof. And when y/n left Roseanne in the utility closet, she couldn't calm her heart since she let it finally react.

"Can these two just do something now?" Cupid asked as he watched the pair dance, y/n correcting Roseanne once again. Y/n reached forward and placed her hand on Roseanne's hip to turn it a bit, making both gods scream like middle school girls seeing their crush in the hallway. Both of their eyes were wide as they noticed how gently y/n was with Roseanne, even though she still apparently hates her.

They also didn't miss the smirks coming from the other girls in the practice room. The gods snickered and saw Roseanne get a little flustered before excusing herself to get water. Y/n flawlessly pretended that Rosé meant nothing to her once again as she went to help a somewhat struggling Jisoo. Destiny scoffed,

"I don't care about you, Jisoo; no offense. But can Roseanne fucking come to her senses and make this more entertaining? Like ugh, she's always excusing herself to go to the bathroom or fill up her water bottle whenever she feels like this. I want to see her encourage y/n and not back down. Now that would be something."

"Now you're getting my hopes up here. Plus she only has today to do it and it isn't looking too good right now." Cupid reminded her as she just rolled her eyes,

"Whatever. I have a feeling something will happen today." Cupid he's his hands up defensively,

"Whatever you say."

Rosé was looking at her reflection in the mirror of the bathroom, scolding herself harshly for feeling and thinking certain ways.

"You need to get a grip on yourself, you dumbass!" She said angrily to herself as she was washing her hands. Rosé put on a cold expression when she walked back into the practice room, determined not to show any emotion towards y/n since she does that to her.

She'll give her a taste of her own medicine.

Y/n was in the corner drinking her water as the three other girls were giggling while doing stupid dances. Y/n rolled her eyes fondly at them before glancing over in Rosé's direction since she had just returned.

She immediately noticed that Rosé was carrying herself differently. Her posture was straighter and the look in her eyes was determination.

Y/n liked seeing this side of her since it shows she's ready to work and learn.

She put her water down and instead of her having to call Rosé over, the girl snapped at her and pointed next to herself, looking at y/n through the mirror. Y/n raised an eyebrow at the attitude and glanced over at Jisoo, but she just shrugged her shoulders. Y/n made her way over to Rosé,

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