34. First Time

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A simple nod of Cohen's head gives me all the know I need as he is done with any questions

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A simple nod of Cohen's head gives me all the know I need as he is done with any questions. We have got the answers needed, Charles is no longer of need.

I step back with Cohen two steps and look back to Czar. He enters the cell and bows to us both. Just as Malik does the same movements.

"I, Queen Harlow of Wolves, have came to a decision on your sentencing for the crime you have committed not only against the Crown of Wolves but also to the shear terror and injuries cause to the dragons. You, Charles rogue to wolves, are sentenced to the slowest death that a wolf can be granted. Does anyone within this cell want to plead his case?"

My eyes go over Cohen, Czar, Malik, and a few guard standing on the outside. None speak for him and it brings a sense of peace that no one is siding with this rogue.

"As everyone here as my witness that this is in fact a fair ruling, you will start this sentencing immediately."

Czar and Malik step up with four syringes filled with the silver glowing liquid.

Cohen and I each take one, and leave them the other two. This is a way the four of us are able to inflict the suffering to him that he has done to our people. The four of us are ones now, even if it is not officially complete due to the ceremony yet to go, to me we are the high ranks and rulers over the dragons and wolves.

With one hand I hold the syringe but with Chantria's help my other hand form into our claws. Once the other three stand the same as me, with Cohen and Malik's talons extended we all raise our hands up.

In timing with one another we do a quick slash at the rouge over his body. A scream is all that could be heard from the rogue, as he doesn't deserve his name any farther.

His blood runs and drips to the ground below us. Right as his body attempts to heal the wound the four of us inflicted on him for all the suffering, we place the needles within his flesh left. With a slow push of the syringe the silver is placed within the rogues system.

With the silver liquid injected, the four of us drop the syringes and step back to the opening of the cell. We watch as the rogue screams, thrashing around within the bindings holding him to the wall. The silver slowly poisoning him from the inside. The rogue will be able to feel nothing but pain until his body fails him and he dies not being able to fight it off.

Never within my ruling have I charged a wolf with such a slow death. This is the first case to have ever been put through with a wolf since my ruling to this extent of crimes. This has caused a darker part of me to emerge and it is something I hate, hoping to never have to deal with something like this again.

None of us move until the beating of the rogues heart has stopped. Even after weakening the rogue and the loss of blood, his heart didn't stop from the silver injections for a total of fourteen minutes. It has been told the silver injections are the slowest and most painful of deaths but most wolves can't live past five minutes.

"Burn the body, nothing needs to be left of the rogue. It doesn't deserve even a grave." I growl and leave the cells, with Cohen under foot.

"Slow down just a little." Cohen whispers once we step outside of the dungeons.

I can't stop through, I must get to where no one will see me. With a turn of my head, I dash for the wood line a few yards out. My ears telling me no one is in the area. I can hear as Cohen is following in behind me and trying to get my attention.

Once in the woods, I slow from the run and lean against a tree. My hands using the tree to brace myself, as the world seems to spin and I lean over some. Thankfully, Cohen fell behind slightly when I ran into the woods, as I don't wish for him to see me like this even though he is my mate.

My stomach is in knots and bubbles causing my throat to start burning. With each deep breath I try to take the feeling gets worse.

Taking one more deep breath, I spew the contents on my stomach until it becomes acid. The burn in my throat worsens with the spewing but I can't get it to stop, nor catch my breath.

Hands touch my back and help to hold my hair out of the way. The tingles that spread through me, also seems to help calm my stomach all at the same time. Finally helping to where I can breath and not spew anymore. The world still spins, but at least I can breath again.

Feeling as I am pulled up and back into a hard chest, I relax into Cohen. His hands hold me up and seems to ease me all at the same time.

"That is quite a bit to go through. Everything will be okay, cupcake. I promise it will. None of us like having to do that and it never gets easier." Cohen's gentle whispers causes me to finish breaking down.

Tears pour from my eyes with the anger subsiding and all that is left is the images of what I done to a wolf under my rule.

Cohen picks me up and moves us over by a different tree. Sitting down with me in his lap. He rubs on my back until I can breath normal as he wipes my eyes.

"That was your first time, wasn't it?"

I nod my head.

"You are truly lucky as a ruler being Queen over hundreds, Harlow. This is the normal reaction and if it wasn't then it would be cause for concern, but this just shows that everything affects you. You care so deeply that even while anger is at the front when dealing with what we just done, anger doesn't last and the other emotions will get jumbled until calming down."

"So you have been like this or through this before?"

"Yes, it happened with a fellow dragon right after I took over the crown for my father. I had the same reaction you just went through with the dizziness and spewing." Cohen had a sad look in his  eyes.

"I am so sorry." I whisper.

"It had to be done just like in this case. The dragon had killed his entire section having gone mad after losing his mate. This won't get easier but remember what was done is to protect all the others. Like with this time it was done to protect the hundreds of dragons and wolves, that will help to ease the pain of it by focusing on protecting everyone."

Hey Hey Guys!!!

Cohen sweet for helping Harlow or should he have said better words?

Cohen sweet for helping Harlow or should he have said better words?

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