17. Ready To Finish This

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A strong sense of rage flows through me and it is not just mine I am feeling

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A strong sense of rage flows through me and it is not just mine I am feeling. There is a mixture between Ezekiel's and Harlow's rage boiling within my own.

We have, yet again, another attack by these wilds. With the internal anger, I shifted within seconds of making it outside the manor.

Harlow seems to be right in step with myself, as she shifted into a gorgeous blonde wolf a split second later.

I fly to where she is able to keep an eye on where I am currently heading too. While I am above the trees, she zips around them with grace and unbelieveable speeds. A small part of me fears she may slam into a tree.

Within several minutes we come upon the chaos. There has to be at least twenty wilds against four of the dragon guards.

Landing in a quick form, the ground shakes under my weight. Harlow joins me immediately after. With a nod of our heads we make a dash for the wilds.

Harlow jumps out and stands tall on all four paws, letting out an incredibly loud growl. There is a force command behind the growl and even I can feel it is a stopping command. The wilds slow for a moment before going right back to the attack.

I watch and step up closer to Harlow, but she takes off straight for the wilds. She tilts her head back to look at me briefly, and I go in to help start subduing the wilds. With the size of her wolf spirit we get several down rather easily.

It doesn't take long as Malik swoops down and another wolf joins him. Taking it must be Czar due to the size of the wolf is not much smaller than Harlow. They go straight to the other side of the group of wilds. Making sure they are doing well as a team, I focus back on Harlow and help her with the ones that she is currently wrestling with.

Most of the wilds are subdued easily with a bite to the hind leg or Harlow using her large wolf head as a hammer. They seem incredibly weak with how easy they are falling from either being knocked out or whining in pain.

A few of the wilds, catch my attention as they are trying to sneak off. With a few flaps of my wings, Ezekiel heats us up and a second later, fire spills from our mouth encasing them in a flaming circle. We will not let any get away, they want to come onto this land then run with their tails tucked they should have thought first.

Spinning back around, Harlow is fighting with two that have decided to fight back instead of laying over. What she doesn't notice is three more creeping up from behind.

We let out the loud squawk and take off for the three trying to sneak up behind her. Letting my talons out, we slash at the wilds right as they jump into the air. They land with a harsh thump, but sadly the injuries I inflicted won't kill them. We need them for questioning then I will be more than happy to end their pathetic existence.

Harlow gets the other two in the time it took me to slice through the others. I land on the ground and can finally see two of my dragons are injuried. I get to them quickly. On first look it looks like it is minor injuries, which I am grateful for.

This batch of wilds were not much on fighting with how easily they went down. So what is the purpose on this attack?

My guess is to see how we would react. There is also the matter that our mate is here. This could have all been testing the waters. Ezekiel fumes, his thoughts.

Malik walks over and stands next to me as we survey the area. Harlow is with Czar walking by each wild and letting out small growls as they pass a few. The ones that were not unconiscous are now as she passes them.

The command eariler was not work, but now it is. This baffles me the most, as she is still in wolf spirit form just like before. It did not seem as if they were under a spell, as their eyes were not glazed over nor smelled of any herbs a witch may use.

As Harlow paws up closer to where I stand, it is noticable the small injuries she has sustained from this attack. It makes my blood boil even more that she was harmed. Small streaks of blood litter her beautiful blonde fur, and it makes me want to go after each wild that cause the marks. The only thing stopping me is the fact we need answers, then secondly I prefer they were awake to feel the pain.

The medical staff, run out within a few minutes from the tree lines. They go straight for the injured guards.

"They just need some antisepctic solution and they can shift. Rest will be the only thing they will need further." He informs as all, as he continues his work.

After the dragon guards were checked by the medical staff, the doctor attempts to get close to Harlow. She doesn't seem to be having it as she tries not to bare her teeth as she dodges the movements. They finally get the hint that she doesn't wish for any medical attention, even if I wish she would at least be evaluated.

Malik flies up and grabs as many wilds as he could with more of the dragon guards coming in to help. Czar seems to be pleased with dragging one back as he has one is his teeth and padding away towards the dungeon. That sure is one way to get the point across.

With the field clear of anyone, I shift back and stand tall with nothing on. Walking over to Harlow, I can sense she is still worked up with the rage coming through the bond. I put my hands out when she whips her head towards me before slowly walking the rest of the way to me.

I let my fingers glide through her soft fur. Harlow steps back and shifts back, to where she is facing me.

"This doesn't make sense." Harlow growls out.

I wrap my arms around her body, careful of the small marks on her flesh. "We will figure it out. First, we need to get some clothes and you examined."

"It will heal within a few hours." Harlow brushes it off.

"I am getting clothes and straight to the dungeons. I am ready to finish this, even if it means killing each and every rogue."

I am right with her and at this point I am not sure if I want to even try to calm her.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

Could a mad Harlow be a good thing in the dungeons?

What could have been the point to the attack this time being larger?

What could have been the point to the attack this time being larger?

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