21. No Such Thing

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Astonishment. One word that comes to my mind with how Harlow has been with all the dragons we have seen in such a short time. It is not dark out and we have just came from the last of the injured dragons guard.

Harlow never rushed a single one of them whilst they spoke and wanted to know how they were fairing with no bull in the way. She took her time to look over the wounds if not healed and even if they were so, she still checked as if they were of the most importance.

It will be ringing through the clan with Harlow Queen of Wolves being my mate. Not that I would have it any other way, since how I was the one that announced it if I seen so much as a weary glance. Not once did she stop me in announcing, it is actually like it were a relief I am not ashamed to tell my people.

We walk into the house. Kaida being the sweet lady she is, left us plates out from dinner. Harlow washes and then I do, joining her at the counter. I notice she takes small bites, but mainly seems to pick at it.

"What is on your mind?"

Harlow lets out a slow breath. "I don't want to upset you, as this is still new."

"Tell me, please." I push, the need to know is to great.

"Your medical team."

I nod my head, something that has passed through my thoughts.

"They were to slow in retrieving the items asked. Then it bothers me on the facts none of this seems to have been thought about and caught. If it was their recovery would be much quicker, as where now it will be longer and they will need to go through this process like today at a minimum tomorrow."

"This is all things that need to be addressed. It is also something I won't hesitate in replacing the medical staff if it is to come to the terms. I want everyone to be in the best of hands." I take a bite of food, hoping to get her to eat more.

It truly is bothersome with how little she has ate since being here.

"Once we merge our people it is something the medical building will need to grow anyhow to hold more staff members. The wolves will need to learn on dragons healing and care." She finally takes another bite.

"Same for the medical staff here, they will need to learn about wolves. It is something I will either have them go over the dragon material again or bring on new members. It would still be a smooth transition as there is many applications for people wanting to join the medical staffing." I muse over it more.

Harlow nods and continues eating until we have finished with our meal. She helps to rinse the dishes and they are placed in the appropiate place.

I take her hand and lead her to our chambers. Earlier in the day Malik sent word that Zalia assisted Kaida in moving her belongs into the room. Something that brings me joy, and she is yet to know about as we have been preoccupied.

Once in the door, I close and turn the lock. I still have her hand and lead her over to the closet now holding her clothing.

"Behind this door, is now your items that you brought along with you. This is not to say that I choose us to be within this mansion once we merge lands. For all I care we could build a new one right in the middle if you so wish. All I want is for us to always be together."

Harlow smiles, leaning up and giving me a slow gentle kiss.

"I must change then, with how we both smell of medical antiseptic." Harlow smirks, after pulling back.

"I will follow suit and meet you in bed." I give her a wink.

Not taking but a few minutes to strip down and place clean underwear on, I move to the powder room to refresh.

Surprise hits when I walk in and Harlow stands in a silk gown, that honestly doesn't leave anything to the imagination. It is hard to tell myself that tonight we need rest, when all I prefer to do is be inside her all night long.

We both finish up and I can't help it any longer. I quickly knock her into my arms, where her knees are over one arm whilst her back is against the other. Finishing the last few steps to the bed, I lay her down with care and slide in next to her.

"Sorry, cupcake. I couldn't keep my hands to myself any more." I smile, kissing her face.

"I like this though. This seems to ease everything going on and a part of me feels bad about it in a way. With how I can be so relaxed when these events are taking place." Harlow seems to glue herself to me as she talks.

"I don't see anything wrong with it. We are doing it whilst many are already asleep. Besides, we can't let exhaustion take place or something bigger could be missed. Something as rulers we cannot let happen with everything we may have."

Harlow seems to relax further and her breathing evens out, informing me she is already fast asleep. I look over her relaxed appearance, as she is draped over me.

The way her face seems so flawless, and the little upturn of her lips seems as if she is smiling. It brings me even more joy that she seems to be happy sleeping on me, more like it rather than next to me.

This is something I wouldn't ever let go. I still can't believe it has taken so many years to finally have her with me and in my arms.

Could it be true somehow someone may have knew we would be mates? How would that even be possible when we ourselves never knew?

Ridiculous questions circle my mind again, as we have thought them before. Now, though they seem to be even harder and making more sense. Then again none of this does as our mating hasn't happened prior and there is no such thing as legends or tales that could even hint to something like this.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

Is Cohen sweet for how he worries over Harlow's health already?

Seems like they are able to talk easily between each other?

Seems like they are able to talk easily between each other?

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