1. Prepare A Letter

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A/N- This is a Mature story. Mentions of violence, very explicit sexual content that could involve mild BDSM at times. So that being said if your under the age of 18, or not comfortable with any of those acts, please do not read further.

This is a different book from what I've wrote before. You will see a different form of talking between characters.
Hope you enjoy!

Being King is no easy obligation

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Being King is no easy obligation. The requirements needed to ensure every dragon is cared for and happy takes daily attention.

Daily living has as of late seems to be rigorous. For centuries us dragons have lived peaceful lives. The only thing we have ever asked is for the land that is rightfully ours. No dragon strays from the land we claim, and never has another species trespassed.

We hold a vast amount of land, just as the wolves do. As our species and theirs need the room for movement, in order to hide exactly the natures we are from the humans.

One thing that could be helped with how we live also depends on if our species could control the inner spirits, but we must shift often so not to lose ourselves completely to them.

"Cohen, we have more wilds on the wayward side." Malik breaks through.

I stand up from the desk and follow him out to the location. Right out the door, I shift and let Ezekiel take an amount of control. Our wings flap to arrive much faster.

With the late night, our black scales hide us even better. Not only but the sound of our wings flapping would alert anyone we are near.

The head fighters have stopped four rogues from entering our land.

We land and I shift back.

"Take them to the dungeons. See if they will say anything useful this time."

The others nod before they take off. Malik joins me on the ground.

"This has gone on long enough. Not one will talk anything coherent." I let some warm air puff out.

Feeling Ezekiel get worked up as well. He is quiet for an inner spirit and rarely will speak, as he seems content as long as he is let out to be in his form twice a week. Ezekiel use to talk more frequently, but after sixty-three years of living without our mate he has turned silent.

"All the wild ones do is ramble on. Wasting air with the useless jabber. I have not been able to decipher what they say or means by coming onto our lands." Malik sighs, walking behind me.

"All we have to go on the fact they attack the younger dragons that are roaming during free time. I can't allow my people to keep living in fear. If they was just coming to roam, then the wilds would be of no bother." I rub my head.

"Leave them to settle over night. Maybe they will be more forth coming in the morning."

"You look like you could use some rest." Malik looks over me.

"You sound more and more like your mate with each passing year." I smile over to Malik.

Malik has been with his mate, Kaida, for many years. They met once she came of the age of sixteen. At the time Malik and I were twenty. So they have been together for well over fifty years.

The lovely part of who we are is living for centuries and never looking our age. As once we reach sixteen we slow with aging to almost none. It is due to our dragon spirits first arrive and we are blessed with their gifts.

Kaida walks from the house and wraps an arm around Malik.

"Once again?" She looks at the both of us.

"Yes, they seem to be coming in at a steady pace." Malik nods.

"I am going to prepare a letter for the Queen of Wolves. I am skeptical she is aware or this would no longer be of issue." I place the shirt over my head from the shift.

It feels wrong for another female, even mated, to see me without clothes for any length of time. Even through the years of having the acts with women, I tend to stay partial dressed to where it is not intimate. This a part I hold for my mate alone.

Sitting back at my desk, I take out paper and pen. How do I even start this letter?

It is obvious I don't want to just come out and explain everything first hand. What if this letter ends up in someones hands other then their Queen?

No, I need to be clever with this and make this a letter stating I need to speak to the Queen. Once, I have proof it is she, then I will inform her of the issue at hand.

A simple branded royal stamp with do for me to know it is she. As the stamps are only in the hands of the royals, and no one else can use them. As the stamps are the only form of magic we have and hold to the royals alone. If someone other then the royal ruler was to use the stamp then the brand will not be present and it will look like a typical stamping.

With the first simple letter wrote out and place within the package, I place my stamp. Getting it set for send out quickly, I walk to my room.

My mind wonders on this Queen of the Wolves. Which is odd to me as we always keep to our own kind. Why would there be a need as other species don't end up mates? Not that there is still not talk within the supernatural world.

They say she is still without a mate, as I am. It seems strange going this long without a mate. I figure mine is hidden well or parished for some unknown reasonings.

For this Queen though, to many things can go array with the wolves. Either her mate was killed prior to their mateship, or she could have been rejected. Could she possibly be ugly? That is highly doubtful, as it is rare for a supernatural to be.

So my mind ponders on the rejection side. It is common throughout the history for Royals to be rejected due to our status alone. Many mates would not want to hold up the the power we have. Not that we truly get a say in it as we are born into it and taught at a young age how to rule, but others don't want the responsibility.

With a refreshing shower, I make my way to bed.

The hope would be a fast reply from the Queen of Wolves to where we can rectify this situation. My people need to be able to roam our lands without fear of being injuried.

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