28. Stop Teasing

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A sick sense of pride comes over me from Chantria

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A sick sense of pride comes over me from Chantria. We won the challenge, although for the main part we were watching how he moved to gauge how he fought. Most of the moves the rogue pulled were considered dirty tricks, as no one with any length of training would pull. The rogue was more feral then thought with his wolf spirit controlling him rather then the human side.

Cohen has lead me to the house, where I am currently sitting in a chair in the lounge room. Zalia and Kaida both have been fussing over the fact I went through with the challenge. As where Cohen has been more on the quiet side.

Within in no time, Czar and Malik walk through the door informing us that Charles is in the special cell he won't be leaving. In much thanks to Czar he informed Zalia that as Queen, I could not just dismiss the challenge because it could show all the other wolves that I could be weak and it helped her to calm.

I feel for my dearest friend, Zalia worries but at times forgets what it means for me being Queen and Czar being my Beta. We are not able to let challenges go and be a threat to the rule we have. It would cause more issues than some mere scratching to the skin.

Won't say that he didn't give a small bit of struggle with going down. It took more force than I have ever used before getting a wolf to submit to me. It honestly reminds me of when Czar and I spar during practice training we have put ourselves through over the year.

"Do you have any thoughts as to why Charles may be so large for a wolf with no royal ranks?" I finally speak up looking to Czar.

"That is something that has stumped me. The only thing I can do is try and run through his bloodline to see if he has any hint of royal blood within his genes."

"All to which may be hard to prove as it seems like he hestiated when speaking his name at the challenge." I go over the words he barely got out.

"If possible we can get a blood sample from him and the labs here can at least test it for you." Cohen goes the easy route.

"I do like that way of thinking. If he can barely make the challenge it would be hard to get more information out of him. For now it would give us some insight." I nod.

"There is one theory I have." Malik speaks up, looking to us all.

"I don't know much about wolves but what if he somehow gained enough control over the rogues that he became their royal in a way? The one that helped us, couldn't stop the command that Charles had done to him. All to which should not have been possible with you being the Wolf Queen. Then there is all the times where speaking with the rogues in the dungeons they just seemed like they couldn't speak against him." Malik pauses.

"Honestly, that is the only possiblity if he doesn't have any royal blood in his veins." Never would I have thought that fact could be possible.

"It would mean he is several hundred years old for such a thing to be possible." Czar goes over his thoughts.

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