6. Personally Feelings Aside

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The office is on the spacious side, with a large window that looks out over the land

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The office is on the spacious side, with a large window that looks out over the land. Exahustion seems to be making my mind boggle, from the overnight drive.

The scent of hazelnut and caramel seems to be stronger in areas of this house than others. So, it is possible that less than normal sleep is causing me to smell things.

Malik is still within the office with me. As he made sure I sat in the chair directly in front of the desk, while he is standing off to the side.

Seems like no time passes before I hear the door knob turn, I stand up straight and face the direction of the door. It would be only proper that I stand for greeting with the King of Dragons.

My notice is on the height of this man. I am wearing a small heel at two inches but my normal height of five foot six inches still makes me seem small in comparison to him.

"King Cohen, may I introduce Queen Harlow of Wolves." Malik moves his hands.

Chantria lets out a low rumble, that I surpress, when Malik announces the King's name.

"My apologizes for not being available for when you first arrived. I hope that the accomdations are adequate." King Cohen starts talking, but looks as if he is having a different coversation at the same time. Possibly with his dragon spirit?

"No apologizes necessary. The accomdations are pleasant, thank you. I would like to dicuss the matter on the rogues you addressed in the letter more in deepth."

"Yes, of course." King Cohen shakes his head and then slowly looks over to me for the first time.

His eyes started at my foot and trail up. It is making every fiber in my being to be on fire, as if his dragons fire was burning me. The sweet scent I have been smelling is much stronger once the door had opened.

There is a pull to King Cohen.

My eyes meet his for the first time and I feel like collapsing to the floor right in front of him. Chantria yips like a puppy in this exact moment.

Mate! Harlow you have brought us to our mate! Chantria yips letting her tail wag in the back of my mind.

How can this even be possible? It has never happened before in any of our supernatural history and if it has then it is not documented.

It is obvious that King Cohen feels the same bond I currently am. His eyes are flashing to his dragons, that he seems to be trying to surpress. Much like I am surpressing Chantria.

I don't make a move to speak further. As I am not sure what route to take. I am a wolf and his people have been under attacks by the ones I rule over. How would his people react to us even being mates? Nevermind if we were to complete this bond.

Chantria whines and calms down with the thought of us possibly rejecting our mate or him rejecting us. There is so much at stake and he has not said a word out loud to confirm it with Malik in the room. So, I remain quiet as not knowing if he wants it to be out or in private to discuss this new bond between us.

King Cohen clears his throat, before stepping up two feet to me. He places a hand on my lower back, causing a series of sparks to dance in the area. It takes every ounce of will power not to let a small noise slip through my lips.

"Why don't you have a seat? We may go over everything in detail." King Cohen redirects the attention as to why I am here.

I shake my head and give a small nod. The people are more important, so this does need to come first. Our mate bond can be discussed later. It would not be the first time I had to put my personally feelings aside for the larger issue at hand.

King Cohen walks to the other side of his desk, where Malik has moved to stand while Cohen sits.

"It started out as slow pace events where a rogue as you call them would come across my border. It was not without harm though, the wild attacked one of the younger dragons during their roam. The issue has kept happening and more with each passing time it should seem. There is not just one section they are targeting but just all over the land. Each wild has been moved to the dungeon, if caught, where they have been staying. A few has slipped past us back out of the land."

I nod, letting the information go through my head.

"If they was just coming to roam themselves, then I would not have paid any mind. As we have always been peaceful with wolves. Now, it has become such events that my people are frightened to let their spirit dragons out for roaming, unless to strictly fly."

"I would like to see the rogues you have in the dungeons. With them being wolves, my command will work and we should be able to get answers from them." I think over the fastest solutions.

"There is one thing. This morning while placing more wilds within the cells. One cell had several dead. None of my people are going into the cells and it is clear that a wolf done it and there is one left standing within the cells. We have left it untouched for you to personsally see."

"An unstable rogue is the most apparent to rule it as then. However, something is telling me the actions there has more to be explained. I can go to see them now or whenever you prefer. All I need is to make sure my Beta, Czar, is with us while there."

King Cohen stands and I do the same.

"We can make way there within five minutes. If that is acceptable?"

I nod my head. "Yes that is acceptable."

"I will be waiting out by the front door." King Cohen nods his head to me and I follow the same actions for respect.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

What will they do?

Is it fair to either of them to get straight to business before accepting the mate bond between them?

Or are they handling things in the right way and putting their people first?

Could rejection be something that happen?

Could rejection be something that happen?

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