Notice me

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Taylors p.o.v
"Well em I called him he wont call me back" I gave in a blank stare waiting for emily to reply to my comment. "Look he probably hasn't seen your text yet dont worry Taylor everything is going to be fine." Hearing thoses words from Emily made me feel a little better. But I was still wondering if Jacob even cared at all. I was hurt still by what Jacob told me when I last saw him. His words kept comming to my mind like how he told me that me choosing Caleb over him wss a huge mistake. And I knew it was too. I turned my phone on listening to the song amnesia by whitney huston and it made me tear up.  I started crying and Emily started softly patting me on the back for support. She smiled and told me everything would be fine and left me to listening to my music.

Jacobs p.o.v
I wanted to tell Taylor that I liked her way too much even love her but it was too difficult to say.

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