The secret letter

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Hey everyone please leave comments ive never really heard from my readers before..and love you guys♡

Taylor's p.o.v

  As I was opening the letter Jacob in. "Give me that you can't read it." He gave me a blank stare and his eyes looked drenched with his face pale and tears about to come out. "Jacob are you okay?" I looked at him with sympathy hoping he would tell me. "I’m fine. Last night was okay I have to go see you later Taylor." He looked at me for two seconds and walked away. Okay? What was his problem if he thought I wasn't going to find out he was wrong.

Jacob p.o.v

   I could tell in Taylors eyes she was hurt by my words and she was wanting to know what was in that letter. But I knew that I couldn't tell her. If I did she would run away from me like the last time I got close to someone. My father’s campaign raised a lot of money about one point million dollars. My father handed the business to me and i was going to take charge and control. I had to meet Taylor's father today and after what I told her yesterday I knew she wouldn’t want anything to do with me.

Taylors p.o.v

   "Dad can you make me some pancakes pleassseee." My dad and I were close he was like a best friend to me on the other hand my mom and I weren't she never understood me at all she would tell me everything’s fine it’s just a phase when my dad would tell me advice on how to deal with the situation and he would take me out to places so he can talk to me. "Yes sweetie anything for you." My dad poured me milk and gave me my pancakes and me and him were talking to each other in the morning about what good school I would go to after high school my dad told me so many opportunities and how he believed I would do well. I gave my dad a smile and hugged him almost shedding tears. And then we both heard the doorbell ring. "I’ll get it finish your pancakes" I gave my dad a smile and went to the door. "Helloo...." I took a pause and saw Jacob and slammed the door and ran upstairs.

Javobs p.o.v

I saw Taylor look at me she was wearing slippers with a oversized t-shirt that must've been a xxlarge and he hair in beautiful waves he looked stunning. She had shocked eyes and slammed the door on my face before giving me a chance to say anything. "I apologize for my daughter she’s umm she’s umm..." I could see her dad was having trouble explaining why she did what she did so I interrupted him. "Not a morning person it’s okay most people aren't." I gave him a smile to try and not to give him a hard time the fact that her dad didn’t really know me and Taylor were a thing. "Yeah umm...make yourself at home sit at that table there’s pancakes I'm going to go check on my daughter." He looked puzzled about what was going on. I nodded and sat down I could see Taylor and her father were eating breakfast together I didn’t want her to not finish. I saw her plate had half one pancake finish and there were still another pancake on her plate with orange juice on the side. Her dad was coming back down stairs and that’s when I took her plate hiding it and the juice  telling her father I had to use the restroom he nodded and told me it was up stairs. I went and turned to Taylors room with orange juice in my hand and pancakes on the other. "What do you want?" She looked me with one eyebrow raised and a blank look on her face. She was so beautiful I had no words. "I brought this up for you i saw you didn't finish your  breakfast." I gave her a smile and started to walk out her room. "Wait Jacob" I quickly turned around and stared at her. "Taylor I’m sorry for yesterday I know you were hurt by what I said and.." she cut me off and started to talk. "Shut up and listen" she walked closer to me and pushed me towards the door and moved her hand locking the door. "I want to know what was in that letter." I stared at her and she looked at me with one eyebrow raised looking for answers. "Taylor I can't.." I began to breathe heavy. The closer she got to my face the more tense I got. What was wrong with me? I picked her up bridal style and put her on her bed and began to kiss her she kissed me and then I stopped. "I have to go talk to your father about business." I walked out and didn't look back.

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