Chapter Sixty One. Miruko's Last Day As A Hero

Start from the beginning


"That's definitely your wife Izuku" said Katsuki from within the quirk of All for one.

"I know... But that's part of her charm and why I love her" said Izuku.

"I approve/I approve" said All for one and Nana.

"Otouto I approve of your choices" said Kaina.

"Your just saying that because you wanna feel like a aunt given Izuku and Rumi's soon to be twins" said Katsuki.

"I will shoot you".

Izuku's eye started to twitch when they started to yell at each other since Kaina still didn't forgive Katsuki. So Izuku decided to cut the connection so he doesn't end up going insane with their arguing inside his head.

He looked over and saw that Rumi finished off the rest of the Nomu with Ochako also taking one out by dropping a truck on it.

The day that Ochako's quirk got strong enough to pick up semi trucks was a scary day... Nezu abused her quirk way to much that day... The class still has nightmares.

"Good job Rumi" said Izuku landing next to her.

"Hehe they were weak I was hoping for a better fight, hey let's keep patrolling before I have to make that announcement... I wanna make this day a memorable one.." said Rumi.

Izuku smiled and kissed the top of her head "sure we still got 2 more hours till then".

"You ready Ocha?" Said Rumi thumping her foot on the ground in excitement.

"Mhm let's make this a day to remember for ya" cheered Ochako smiling brightly.



Two hours later Rumi was standing Infront of a podium wearing her hero costume and Izuku was standing next to her.

The press started to ask her lots of questions with some of them being about her growing stomach and the rumors about her being pregnant.

Rumi raised her hand silencing them then spoke "I'm here to announce my retirement... I'm leaving hero work given my pregnancy and I don't want to put my future child at risk.

But that doesn't mean I won't return sometime in the future because that's what I'm hoping to do after my kids are old enough".

"Excuse me Miruko are the rumors true that the father is Deku?" Said one reporter.

Rumi smiled and reached over and took Izuku hand in hers interlocking their fingers together before she raised her robotic arm showing the ring on her finger. "Yes they are true and we're hoping to get married sometime in the future".

All the reporters then started asking lots of questions and taking pictures.

"I know it's shocking but that's all your hearing so goodbye everyone" said Rumi Walking away holding Izuku's hand.


They arrived back at UA and Rumi immediately to Izuku's room and took off her hero costume and put it in his closet while looking at it with a sad look.

Izuku wrapped his arms around her, rubbing her growing belly and kissed her neck "are you ok Rumi?".

"Yeah just... I didn't realize that I'd be feeling this sad having to hang up my costume..".

"I know it's sad but we'll get through this and hopefully once Shigaraki is gone we can bring our kids into a world of hope".

"Hehe yeah... I'd like that and also... What were you thinking of names for them?" Said Rumi turning around and leaning her head against his chest listening to his heart. "I'd like for you to name them..".

"M-me? But why not you?".

"Because.. I'm sure we'll probably end up having more kids and I want you to name our first two" said Rumi. "One of them is gonna be a boy and the other is a girl according to the ultrasound remember".

Izuku was silent for while thinking over names before two popped into his mind "Kaina and... Katsuki..".

Rumi smiled and took his hand and placed it on her stomach "ok.. Kaina and Katsuki it is".

"I love you Rumi".

"I love you as well Izuku".

They both leaned in and gave each other a love filled kiss before they broke off and went downstairs with everyone else and watching as Eri explained to Ochako how she's gonna be the best sister in the world.

"I will protect them no matter what and I won't let Shigaraki take anymore else that I love" thought Izuku.

Deep inside Izuku's mind All for one smiled and hoped that his doctor is getting the army ready for when the war finally happens to finally put an end to the evil he created.

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