Chapter 17:Horcruxes

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y/n's pov:

We all fell asleep on the beach and we all walked for hours on end to go back to Mrs Weasley's house. Finally we got there.

"Good god that was a long walk" I said out of breath. Mattheo picked me up and placed me on the sofa.

"It's not much but it's home" Ron spoke. I thought of when I had to stay with Sirius and I thought it was nothing.

"Ron, it's amazing" I replied with glee.

Ginny came in and ran to Harry and didn't even see us. I let out a cough to get us noticed. She saw us all and hugged us.

She gave us all a platter of what seemed to be mine pies and on the other platter was some home-made biscuits Mrs weasley made us. I took a few biscuits and slumped on the sofa.

Mrs weasley showed us our rooms.

"Thanks Mrs weasley" I said.

"Please call me Molly dear" she stated. I nodded.

She explained if I need anything she is just down the hall. Me and Harry was infact going to share the same room. Hermione with Mattheo and Ron with Ginny.

I was so excited to stay at the weasley's burrow atleast for a little bit. The day seemed to go by fast because it sure did. We all ate tea and went to bed.

I kept hearing noises coming from Harry's side of the room.

"You ain't brought Ginny in your bed have ya Harry?" I whispered. It seemed to go quiet until I heard the bed sheets shake.

"Harry, stop if your both that desperate I can leave if you want" I chuckled. I didn't get a response.

"I'm not playing games" I walked over and didn't ses Ginny. But I did see Harry shaking and having a nightmare.

"Harry?" I said.

"Harry are you alright?" He clearly was deep in that nightmare. I can only imagine what Harry saw at the tournament a few days ago.

"Harry?" I kept asking. I climbed over him and sat right next to him.

I hung onto him and gave him a cuddle. He soon relaxed. I unintentionally fell asleep next to him.

Harry's pov:

I woke up after a horrendous nightmare to feel like I wasn't alone. I looked over at y/n's bed and she wasn't there.

I had a feeling she was off with Mattheo as usal. I looked to my left and saw y/n clinging onto me. I don't know why she would do that.

I have been a bad brother. I hope she didn't notice my nightmares. I soon felt calm and relaxed. I fell asleep.


y/n's pov:

I woke up not to an alarm but Mattheo and Hermione yelling. I shook Harry awake and we both got changed and ran to see what was happening.

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